OMICS Group invites all the participants across the globe to attend the International Conference on Functional and Comparative Genomics & Pharmacogenomics during November 12-14, 2013 in Chicago-North Shore, USA. Genomics-2013 intends to offer an outlook on new technologies in exploring genomes, applications, and its impacts on the future. Genomics-2013 will provide excellent opportunity to geneticists/genome researchers/health care industrialists to discuss modern approaches, techniques, discoveries and their applications in the field of Genomics. Genomics-2013 will focus on Functional and Comparative genomics, Pharmacogenomics, Evolutionary Genomics, Biomarkers and Molecular Markers, Sequencing and Mapping, Proteomics and Cancer Genomics and Computational Genomics and Proteomics. International conference on Functional and Comparative Genomics & Pharmacogenomics, will be organized around the theme "Recent Research Methodologies and Discoveries in Genomics Era".