Bioavailability refers to the extent to which humans and ecological receptors are exposed to contaminants. It represents the accessibility of a chemical for uptake into an organism and potential toxicity. Bioavailability is a pertinent subject for environmental risk assessment as it links the fate and effects of chemicals in the environment.
By holding a joint meeting we will be bringing together leading chemistry and toxicology professionals from both the Å·ÃÀAV and SETAC to provide a truly integrated debate on the science. We are keen to promote the training and professional development of scientists, and early career scientists are especially encouraged to attend. Oral presentations and posters are invited on the broad theme of bioavailability.
By holding a joint meeting we will be bringing together leading chemistry and toxicology professionals from both the Å·ÃÀAV and SETAC to provide a truly integrated debate on the science. We are keen to promote the training and professional development of scientists, and early career scientists are especially encouraged to attend. Oral presentations and posters are invited on the broad theme of bioavailability.