What is a negotiation and when is a meeting a negotiation?
What makes a good negotiator?
When does the negotiation start?
This workshop will look at the negotiation meeting whether face-to-face, by ‘phone, or via an intermediary, team, multiparty or adversarial. You will leave the session with a tool kit of proven and practical negotiation skills together with a list of dos and don’ts that only successful negotiators know.
Our facilitator is Linda Gunnell MÅ·ÃÀAV, C.Chem., MSc., MBA, MA, PGC Higher Education, PG Dip Coaching, FRSA
Following a career as a chemist working in the food, oil, and brewing industries, Linda Gunnell joined an economic development consultancy group focusing on business development, ran her own training consultancy and as an Open University Associate Lecturer taught the MBA course both in the UK and internationally. As a Senior Lecturer HR Strategy and Development, she researched communication and development, studying NLP to Master Practitioner and Trainer levels. She researched what made the difference between brilliant negotiators and the rest for her NLP Master Practitioner’s project and her discoveries are included in these sessions. Her personal experience of negotiation includes formal negotiations in a work environment ranging from union negotiations to negotiating as part of everyday life.
What makes a good negotiator?
When does the negotiation start?
This workshop will look at the negotiation meeting whether face-to-face, by ‘phone, or via an intermediary, team, multiparty or adversarial. You will leave the session with a tool kit of proven and practical negotiation skills together with a list of dos and don’ts that only successful negotiators know.
Our facilitator is Linda Gunnell MÅ·ÃÀAV, C.Chem., MSc., MBA, MA, PGC Higher Education, PG Dip Coaching, FRSA
Following a career as a chemist working in the food, oil, and brewing industries, Linda Gunnell joined an economic development consultancy group focusing on business development, ran her own training consultancy and as an Open University Associate Lecturer taught the MBA course both in the UK and internationally. As a Senior Lecturer HR Strategy and Development, she researched communication and development, studying NLP to Master Practitioner and Trainer levels. She researched what made the difference between brilliant negotiators and the rest for her NLP Master Practitioner’s project and her discoveries are included in these sessions. Her personal experience of negotiation includes formal negotiations in a work environment ranging from union negotiations to negotiating as part of everyday life.