ISEC 2011 - XIX International Solvent Extraction Conference

3 - 7 October 2011, Santiago, Chile

The conference will address solvent extraction and stripping in the following industries and applications:
• Metallurgy, pharmaceuticals, food and beverage, chemicals and petrochemicals, nuclear energy, catalysis, polymers and materials, biotechnology, and synthesis of natural products.
• Environment in solvent extraction, water and solvent recoveries, industrial effluent treatments, and recovery and recycling of reagents and extractants.

Professionals interested in presenting at the ISEC 2011 Conference are invited to submit a 300-word abstract of their paper in English by 5 April 2010 to isec@isec2011.com. The abstract must be in MS Word format and include a title of maximum 100 characters as well as the authors' full contact details.
Sheraton Santiago Hotel & Convention Center

Sheraton Santiago Hotel & Convention Center, Santiago, Chile

Organised by
Contact information
Ms Barbara Alcayaga
Santiago, Chile
+ 56 2 652 1575
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