Natalie Belsey , NPL/University of Surrey, United Kingdom
Natalie Belsey is a Senior Research Scientist in the Surface Technology Group at the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) and a Senior Lecturer in Chemical & Process Engineering at the University of Surrey. Natalie graduated with MChem in 2005 from Lincoln College, Oxford, where she remained for her DPhil. In 2009, she joined the University of Bath as a postdoc in the group of Prof Richard Guy before joining NPL in 2013. She is a Fellow of the ŷAV, a Chartered Chemist, and a Fellow of the Community for Analytical Measurement Science (CAMS).
Talk title: Formulated Products under the Microscope
David Cowan, Kings College London, United Kingdom
Professor David Cowan holds a personal chair in Pharmaceutical Toxicology. He is a Fellow of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society , the Royal Society of Biology and King’s College London. He is the former director of the Drug Control Centre and was its co-founder; this is the only laboratory in the UK to be accredited by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), and formerly the International Olympic Committee (IOC), to analyse samples from sports competitors. It was the first anti-doping laboratory in the world to be accredited to ISO 17025. He was Head of Department of Forensic Science and Drug Monitoring at King’s College London from 2002-2011. He directed the laboratory that analysed the samples collected at the London Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2012.
He served on the IOC Medical Commission and its Games Group from 2000 until 2018. He was the first president of the World Association of Anti-Doping Scientists. He was made an Officer of the Order of the British Empire for services to anti-doping science in 2016. Other awards include the IOC Trophy for Sport Ethics by the British Olympic Association in 1998, the Royal Pharmaceutical Society Pharmaceutical Scientist of the Year Award in 2013 and the Larry D. Bowers Award for Excellence in Anti-Doping Science Presented by the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency in 2019.
He currently sits on several national and international committees including the WADA Endocrine Analytics working group, the Partnership for Clean Competition Collagen Turnover working group and the UK Anti-Doping Innovation Commission. He is chair of the Council of Europe Anti-Doping Convention Laboratory Ad Hoc Group.
He has an extensive background in bioanalysis with special emphasis on chromatography coupled mass spectrometry and his current research interests include protein quantification in biological matrices using LC-MS.
Talk title: A lightning 30 minute journey through the career of an Analytical Scientist
Chiara Giorio, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Chiara Giorio is Assistant Professor in Atmospheric Chemistry at the Yusuf Hamied Department of Chemistry of the University of Cambridge. Chiara graduated in Chemistry in 2008 from the University of Padua (Italy), where she remained for her PhD in Molecular Sciences (awarded in 2012). She was a postdoc at the University of Cambridge in the group of Professor Markus Kalberer until 2016, a researcher at the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) in 2017, and tenure-track Assistant Professor at the University of Padua until the beginning of 2020, when she returned to Cambridge. She is now leading a multidisciplinary research group working on air quality and climate science. She is the recipient of the 2021 ŷAV Environment, Sustainability & Energy Division Early Career Award and a Fellow of the Community for Analytical Measurement Science (CAMS).
Talk title: Detecting metal-ligand complexes in atmospheric aerosols: analytical challenges and advancements
Ruchi Gupta, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom
Dr Ruchi Gupta is an Associate Professor and Global Engagement lead in the School of Chemistry, University of Birmingham. Dr Gupta’s area of expertise is sensors, microfluidics, and analytical platforms. Dr Gupta is a recipient of ŷAV’s 2021 Joseph Black Award. She has received grants from Cancer Research UK, Leverhulme Trust, Research Councils UK, ŷAV (ŷAV), and industry. Dr Gupta is the Founder and Chair of IUPAC’s Early- to Mid-Career Analytical Scientists subcommittee. She is a member of ŷAV’s Analytical Division Council, permanent steering committee member of the Europtrode conferences, and Associate Editor of ŷAV Advances.
Talk title: Novel Optical Biosensors with Integrated Sample Manipulation