The 欧美AV are pleased to announce that this event is moving online. If you have any questions please contact us at
On behalf of the scientific committee, we extend a warm invitation to you to join us online in February 2021 for a Faraday Discussion on the theme of Time-resolved imaging of photo-induced dynamics. We are of course disappointed not to be able to welcome you all in Mumbai, but we feel that the virtual format of this meeting is the safest option and provides all delegates with some certainty around the meeting. This will be the sixth Faraday Discussion meeting using the virtual format and we anticipate that this will provide a stimulating meeting in our exciting and rapidly developing area of researchFaraday Discussions are unique international scientific conferences that focus on rapidly developing areas of chemistry and their interfaces with other scientific disciplines. Many Discussions have become landmarks in their field, and we hope you will join us at this Discussion to make your contribution to this famous series of meetings.
The meeting will be of interest to established scientists as well as post-graduate students and industrial researchers interested in photo-induced processes.
We very much hope you will join us for this virtual discussion and we look forward to welcoming you.
Gopal Dixit and Adam Kirrander
Co-Chairs, Time-Resolved Imaging of Photo-Induced Dynamics
The purpose of this meeting is to gather key participants representing the full scientific scope of the topic. Bringing together different communities of experimentalist and theoreticians working on similar topics but from different perspectives provides an opportunity to ask the fundamental questions and to set the agenda for future research.Format
Faraday Discussions have a special format where research papers written by the speakers are distributed to all participants before the meeting, and most of the meeting is devoted to discussing the papers. Everyone contributes to the discussion - including presenting their own relevant research. The research papers and a record of the discussion are published in the journal Faraday Discussions.Find out more about the Faraday Discussions in this video
Photo-induced processes are of tremendous importance in the natural world and across science. Examples include ultrafast process in vision, energy-release by water-splitting in photosynthesis, chemical reactions in the atmosphere, photocatalysis, and technologies such as petahertz electronics, photovoltaics, and light-emitting diodes. Due to the intrinsic complexity of photo-induced processes, they remain the least understood type of physical and chemical processes. Strong and weak laser induced electron and nuclear dynamics on ultrafast time-scales, nonadiabatic dynamics, quantum effects and conical intersections are known to be important, but the full picture is still being unveiled and a cohesive understanding assembled. New experimental techniques, capable of monitoring photo-induced processes with unprecedented temporal and spatial resolution across the entire reaction path, play a key role in this. These developments are driven by the appearance of free-electron lasers, such as the XFEL in Europe, the LCLS (and soon LCLS-II) in the USA, SACLA in Japan, PAL in Korea and Swiss-FEL in Switzerland, new sources of pulsed electrons, table-top based attosecond laser sources, and advanced detection techniques. A large and important contribution is made by advances in theory and computational modelling, in particular in terms of (nonadiabatic) quantum dynamics simulations and theoretical models that improve the interpretation and analysis of experiments.The Faraday Discussion will be organised into the following four themes:
- Time-resolved Diffraction
- Time-Resolved Ultrafast Spectroscopy
- Strong-Field Physics
- Ultrafast X-ray Science