Substances used to add colour in food have changed over time. In the 19th century they were lethal; unsurprisingly these were replaced. However, in the 20th century, many replacements turned out to be carcinogenic. A lot of currently used food colourings are ‘natural’ but these present their own problems. This lecture will explore these trends .
About the speaker
Dr Tom Coultate was Principal Lecturer in Food Biochemistry at the School of Applied Science at South Bank University, London, until his retirement in 2000. His particular interest is the relationship between the essentially chemical nature of all foods and their distinctive, unique journey from field to plate and beyond. He is frequently invited to address local audiences and branch meetings of learned societies such as the ŷAV and SCI on food topics, and been an occasional television and radio interviewee.
This event is free to attend and all are welcome. If you would like to attend, please email Margaret Bond at, stating your full name and the names of any guest(s). Confirmation of a place at the lecture will be by emailed reply.
The lecture will start at 6.30pm with light refreshments from 6pm.
About the speaker
Dr Tom Coultate was Principal Lecturer in Food Biochemistry at the School of Applied Science at South Bank University, London, until his retirement in 2000. His particular interest is the relationship between the essentially chemical nature of all foods and their distinctive, unique journey from field to plate and beyond. He is frequently invited to address local audiences and branch meetings of learned societies such as the ŷAV and SCI on food topics, and been an occasional television and radio interviewee.
This event is free to attend and all are welcome. If you would like to attend, please email Margaret Bond at, stating your full name and the names of any guest(s). Confirmation of a place at the lecture will be by emailed reply.
The lecture will start at 6.30pm with light refreshments from 6pm.