Keele Team-Based Learning Group
Winner: 2021 Team Prize for Excellence in Higher Education
Keele University
For pioneering the integration of the active learning strategy Team-Based Learning in the curriculum of UK higher education chemistry programmes, through collaborative teamwork and by supporting others to adopt this strategy.
Celebrate Keele Team-Based Learning Group
Team Based Learning (TBL) is a highly structured learning technique where students undertake a series of activities in their team, learning from each other and working together to solve problems. TBL has been shown to contribute to the development of a wide range of skills, such as communication, teamwork and problem solving. The Keele TBL group were the first chemistry educators in the UK to use TBL in their teaching. Over the last 7 years they have embedded TBL across all years of the chemistry degree programmes at Keele, which has received positive student feedback and contributed to enhanced student performance. The group has also widely disseminated their work on TBL, and have helped educators across the world to adopt TBL in their teaching.
[...] our students have the potential to change the world for the better. Playing a small role in helping to facilitate the acquisition of knowledge and skills they might use in the future to do amazing things is one of the greatest motivators there is.