AMC Datasets
AMC Datasets comprise a growing collection of data likely to be of use to analytical scientists involved in the teaching, learning, or studying of statistical and chemometrics methods and in testing computer software. A dataset could, for instance, be used by a teacher to illustrate a statistical method applied to a particular analytical activity, by a student to try out alternative methods or different statistical packages, or by a research worker to act as an example with known characteristics for the development of new and improved methods.
AMC Datasets are presented as text files, for ease of opening in a wide range of application packages. They have embedded descriptions of the type and source of the data. At present the datasets are simply listed, as below but, as the collection grows, AMC will provide a search facility so that particular types of data can be rapidly identified.
Datasets are described either as ‘Experimental’ or ‘Simulated’. Experimental datasets are as observed by the original author. Simulated datasets represent real situations but have been modified or disguised in some way to preserve the anonymity of the source or other aspects of the data.
These datasets may be freely downloaded and used. Any new results obtained from the study of the datasets may be published freely, but the data themselves must not be republished without the consent of the original author.
Downloadable Files
Calibration data for aflatoxin M1, with four repeat response measurements at each of six concentrations
Proficiency test data from the determination of aflatoxin M1 in milk in 91 laboratories, with corresponding information about the analytical method used and accreditation status
Internal quality control data, derived from the determination of 25 elements in a control material, in 158 successive runs of analysis with varying numbers (between 2 and 8) of repeat determinations in each run
Method validation / comparison data. Repeat results for the determination of carbon dioxide in sodium carbonate by five variant titrimetric methods and one gravimetric method
Pattern recognition data. 16 trace elements determined in 186 pieces of flint collected at 11 different locations
Proficiency testing data. Genetically modified soya. Results from 36 laboratories in 22 different materials (rounds of the test), with some missing data
Orientation survey data. Cu, Pb, Zn, and Cd determined in soil from 16 parks in Lambeth. Duplicated sampling and analysis in a balanced design
Calibration data. Plutonium determined by ICP-MS, with triplicated responses at 8 concentrations
Proficiency test data. Results for tin in a tomato paste test material determined by 46 participant laboratories
Method validation data. Uranium in water from 16 different streams determined by a field method and a reference method
11. Homogeneity test for Ochratoxin in Cereal
Ten random samples of cereal analysed for ochratoxin
12. Homogeneity test for types of fat in mixed fat spread
Ten random samples of mixed fat spread analysed for saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids
13. Homogeneity test for proximate analytes in canned meat
Ten random samples of canned meat analysed for moisture, ash, fat, nitrogen and hydroxyproline
14. Homogeneity test for nitrate and nitrite in sausage
Ten random samples of sausage analysed for nitrate and nitrite
15. Homogeneity test for maleic hydrazine in onion puree
Ten random samples of onion puree analysed for maleic hydrazine
16. Homogeneity test for analytes in rock samples
Ten rock samples analysed for various analytes
17. Homogeneity test for analytes in rock samples (2)
Ten rock samples analysed for various analytes
18. Homogeneity test for analytes in rock samples (3)
Ten rock samples analysed for various analytes
19. Homogeneity test for 1,3-DCP and 3-MCDP in soy sauce
Ten random samples of soy sauce analysed for 1,3-DCP and 3-MCDP
20. Homogeneity test for proximate analytes in tonic water
Ten random samples of tonic water analysed for Acesulfame-K, Aspartame, Benzoic acid and Quinine
21. Field trial of instruments
8 Colocated instruments measuring the same aspect of air pollution over a 44 day period
Data from proficiency tests, used in published demonstration of mode-hunting with the EM algorithm
23. Repeatability duplicate data - alcohol in breath
31,874 duplicate measurements of ethanol in breath taken for law enforcement purposes
24. Dissolved Oxygen: method comparison
Replicated analysis of 33 different samples of water for dissolved oxygen by the standard Winkler method and by a modified method
25. Collaborative Trial Results
Results of precision characteristics from published collaborative trials.
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- Isobel Tibbetts