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What would you like to know about this journal?
Soft Matter is a Transformative Journal and Plan S compliant
Impact factor: 2.9*
Time to first decision (all decisions): 29.0 days**
Time to first decision (peer reviewed only): 35.0 days***
CiteScore: 6.0****
Editor-in-Chief: Alfred Crosby
Indexed in MEDLINE
Open access publishing options available
Journal scope
Soft Matter provides a unique forum for the communication of significant advances in interdisciplinary soft matter research. There is a particular focus on the interface between chemistry, physics, materials science, biology and chemical engineering. Research may report new soft materials or phenomena, encompass their design, synthesis, and use in new applications; or provide fundamental insight and observations on their behaviour. Experimental, theoretical and computational soft matter approaches are encouraged.
The scope of Soft Matter covers the following.
- Soft matter assemblies, including colloids, granular matter, liquid crystals, gels & networks, polymers, hybrid materials, active matter and further examples
- Soft nanotechnology, soft robotics and devices
- Synthesis, self-assembly and directed assembly
- Biological aspects of soft matter including proteins, biopolymers, cells and tissues
- Surfaces, interfaces and interactions
- Phase behaviour, coacervation and rheological behaviour
- Sustainable soft materials including recycling, circular economy and end of life
- Mechanistic insights and modelling
Soft Matter Lectureship
This annually presented lectureship recognises early career researchers, typically within twelve years of attaining their PhD or equivalent degree, who have made significant contributions to the field of soft matter.
Find out more about eligibility, how to nominate, nomination deadlines, and see all the winners of this award.
Meet the team
Find out who is on the editorial and advisory boards for the Soft Matter journal.
Alfred Crosby, University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA
Associate editors
Roberto Cerbino, University of Vienna, Austria
Lorna Dougan, University of Leeds
Ewa Górecka, Warsaw University, Poland
Guruswamy Kumaraswamy, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India
Sanat Kumar, Columbia University, USA
Zhihong Nie, Fudan University, China
Amy Shen, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, Japan
Lixin Wu, Jilin University, China
Emanuela Zaccarelli, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Xuehua Zhang,University of Alberta, Canada
Editorial board member
David Díaz Díaz, University of La Laguna, Spain
Dave Adams, University of Glasgow, UK
Dongchan Ahn, The Dow Chemical Company, USA
Tommy Angelini, University of Florida, USA
Markus Antonietti, Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, Germany
Omar Azzaroni, UNLP, Argentina
Piero Baglioni, University of Florence, Italy
Anna Balazs, University of Pittsburgh, USA
Arindam Banerjee, Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, India
Madivala Basavaraj, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India
Patricia Bassereau, Physico Chimie Curie Lab, France
Stefan Bon, University of Warwick, UK
Jasna Brujic, New York University, USA
Jacinta Conrad, University of Houston, USA
Vincent Craig, Australian National University, Australia
Emanuela Del Gado, Georgetown University, USA
Jan Dhont, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany
Carmen Domene, University of Bath, UK
Zahra Fakhraai, University of Pennsylvania, USA
Glenn Fredrickson, University of California at Santa Barbara, USA
Valeria Garbin, TU Delft, The Netherlands
Jian Ping Gong, Hokkaido University, Japan
Ian Hamley, University of Reading, UK
Jianbin Huang, Peking University, China
Lucio Isa, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Paul Janmey, University of Pennsylvania, USA
Gijsje Koenderink, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
Daniela Kraft, Leiden University, Netherlands
Eugenia Kumacheva, University of Toronto, Canada
Oleg Lavrentovich, Kent State University, USA
Junbai Li, Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Christos Likos, University of Vienna, Austria
Dongsheng Liu, Tsinghua University, China
Bradley Olsen, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Rossana Pasquino, The University of Naples Federico II, Italy
Susan Perkin, University of Oxford, UK
Sarah Perry, University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA
Darrin Pochan, University of Delaware, USA
David Quéré, ESPCI, France
Sriram Ramaswamy, Indian Institute of Science, India
Meital Reches, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Alejandro Rey, McGill University, Canada
Connie Roth, Emory University, USA
Michael Rubinstein, Duke University, USA
Sam Safran, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Takamasa Sakai, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Peter Schurtenberger, Lund University, Sweden
Kathleen Stebe, University of Pennsylvania, USA
Joakim Stenhammar, Lund University, Sweden
Howard Stone, Princeton University, USA
Hajime Tanaka, University of Tokyo, Japan
Evelyne van Ruymbeke, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium
Jan Vermant, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Petia Vlahovska, Northwestern University, USA
Dimitris Vlassopoulos, FORTH-IESL, Greece
Yilin Wang, Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Catherine Whitby, Massey University, New Zealand
Tim White, University of Colorado, USA
Duyang Zang, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China
Maria Southall, Executive Editor, Journals, ORCID
Kay Burrows, Deputy Editor, Journals, ORCID
Emily Skinner, Editorial Manager, Journals
Molly Colgate, Assistant Editor, Journals
Katie Morton, Assistant Editor, Journals
Charu Storr-Vijay, Assistant Editor, Journals
Alison Winder, Assistant Editor, Journals
Basita Javeed, Editorial Assistant, Journals
Allison Holloway, Publishing Assistant, Journals
Sam Keltie, Publisher, Journals, ORCID
Article templates
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Journal guidelines
There are no specific requirements regarding formatting of submissions; we recommend using the 欧美AV template but this is not a requirement for submission. All articles accepted for publication in our journals are edited and typeset to our house style by professional editors; we will format the final publication for you.
Open access publishing options
Soft Matter is a hybrid (transformative) journal and gives authors the choice of publishing their research either via the traditional subscription-based model or instead by choosing our gold open access option. Find out more about our Transformative Journals. which are Plan S compliant.
Gold open access
For authors who want to publish their article gold open access, Soft Matter charges an article processing charge (APC) of £3,000 (+ any applicable tax). Our APC is all-inclusive and makes your article freely available online immediately, permanently, and includes your choice of Creative Commons licence (CC BY or CC BY-NC) at no extra cost. It is not a submission charge, so you only pay if your article is accepted for publication.
Learn more about publishing open access.
Read & Publish
If your institution has a Read & Publish agreement in place with the 欧美AV, APCs for gold open access publishing in Soft Matter may already be covered.
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Traditional subscription model
Authors can also publish in Soft Matter via the traditional subscription model without needing to pay an APC. Articles published via this route are available to institutions and individuals who subscribe to the journal. Our standard licence allows you to make the accepted manuscript of your article freely available after a 12-month embargo period. This is known as the green route to open access.
Transparent peer review policy
To support increased transparency, we offer authors the option to publish the peer review history alongside their article. Reviewers are anonymous unless they choose to sign their reports.
Readership information
Soft Matter has a global circulation and interdisciplinary audience.
- Physicists
- Biophysicists
- Bioengineers
- Biological scientists
- Biochemists
- Chemical engineers
- Materials scientists
- Surface scientists
- Physical, organic and theoretical chemists
Subscription information
Soft Matter is part of 欧美AV Gold and Materials Science subscription packages.
Online only 2025: ISSN 1744-6848, £1,733 / $3,052
*2023 Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate Analytics, 2024)
**The median time from submission to first decision including manuscripts rejected without peer review from the previous calendar year
***The median time from submission to first decision for peer-reviewed manuscripts from the previous calendar year
****CiteScore™ 2023 available at
Soft Matter
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