What would you like to know about 欧美AV Applied Interfaces?
Editor-in-Chief: Federico Rosei
Impact factor: n/a
Gold open access, APCs currently waived
Time to first decision (peer-reviewed only): 32.0 days**
Time to first decision (all decisions): 13.0 days***
Indexed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
Interdisciplinary and open access
Science is continually expanding beyond traditional boundaries. We are seeing an increased focus on applied research in multiple disciplines and how this work can be used to tackle global challenges. 欧美AV Applied Interfaces is a dedicated, interdisciplinary home for articles that highlight the impact of applied interfacial and surface research.
This journal is part of a strong portfolio from the 欧美AV that aims to support scientists, like you, around the world. You can expect to receive the same exceptional publishing experience as you would in any of our other journals – including full support from the submission stage, fair and rigorous peer review, and guidance on promoting your publications. 欧美AV Applied Interfaces offers you a platform for applied interfacial and surface research from a publisher you know and trust.
Announcing our Editor-in-Chief: Federico Rosei
I am excited to step into this new role, that of shaping a journal and the community around it – and doing so from the start as founding Editor-in-Chief.
Journal scope
欧美AV Applied Interfaces is a dedicated, interdisciplinary reference journal for cutting-edge research on the applications of surfaces and interfaces. In addition to the applied focus, work considered for publication in 欧美AV Applied Interfaces is expected to be highly original and of top quality.
Research papers should highlight the role of interfaces (morphology and composition) and interfacial processes in determining a material’s properties and functionalities. The journal seeks to report major scientific advances beyond the state of the art, at the cutting edge of this interdisciplinary field.
The areas of application are expected to be broad and diverse, with sample interface topics including but not limited to:
- Protective coatings: anticorrosion, antifouling, antibacterial, antimicrobial, hydrophobic, hydrophilic
- Biointerfaces including biomedical coatings, adhesives and devices
- Interfaces in electronic, photonic, and optoelectronic devices
- Electrochemical interfaces
- The role of interfaces in catalysis, electrocatalysis, photocatalysis
- The role of interfaces in energy conversion processes and devices
- The role of interfaces in energy storage
- 2D materials
- Interfaces for environmental remediation (e.g. innovative separation membranes etc.)
- Polymer interfaces and composites
- Applications of nanomaterials’ interfaces
- Surface engineering and functionalisation
Consistent with the vision and values of the 欧美AV, the journal welcomes and celebrates research that supports the advancement of several (SDG), including but not limited to : good health and well-being, : clean water and sanitation, : affordable and clean energy and : including responsible production and consumption.
Our 欧美AV Applied journal portfolio also includes 欧美AV Applied Polymers, a leading cross-disciplinary journal for the application of polymers, including experimental and computational studies from both natural and synthetic fields. 欧美AV Applied journals are dedicated to science research with a strong applied focus. As such, work focusing on fundamental surface science characterisation and properties will not be considered. Sitting alongside the Journal of Materials Chemistry family in terms of impact and novelty, the 欧美AV Applied journals complement our portfolio of materials, nanoscience and multidisciplinary journals which also welcome but are not limited to more fundamental research subject to individual journal scopes.
See who's on the team
Meet 欧美AV Applied Interfaces's Editor-in-Chief and board members.
University of Trieste, Italy
Associate Editor
Purdue University, USA
Associate Editor
Peking University, China
Associate Editor
Swansea University, UK
Associate Editor
Colorado School of Mines & NREL, USA
Anna C. Balazs, University of Pittsburgh, USA
Viola Birss, University of Calgary, Canada
Victor M. Castaño, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico
Zhongwei Chen, University of Waterloo, Canada
Yu Fang, Shaanxi Normal University, China
Paolo Fornasiero, University of Trieste, Italy
Carlos F. O. Graeff, Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), Brazil
Vicki H. Grassian, University of California San Diego, USA
Giridhar U. Kulkarni, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, India
Xing Yi Ling, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Xiaogang Liu, National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore
Maria Antonietta Loi, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Malik Maaza, iThemba Labs and UNISA, South Africa
Sanjay Mathur, University of Cologne, Germany
Teri W. Odom, Northwestern University, USA
Paolo Samorì, University of Strasbourg, France
Clara Santato, Polytechnique Montreal, Canada
Fiorenzo Vetrone, Université du Québec, Canada
Lianzhou Wang, University of Queensland, Australia
Vivian W.-W. Yam, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
Shu-Hong Yu, University of Science and Technology of China, China
Karim Zaghib, Concordia University, Canada
Jeremy Allen, Executive Editor, ORCID:
Hannah Kerr, Deputy Editor, ORCID:
Rosie Hague, Editorial Assistant
Daniella Ferluccio, Editorial Manager, ORCID:
Zifei Lu, Assistant Editor, ORCID
Ashley McGovern, Assistant Editor
Sean Browner, Assistant Editor
Paul Scott, Assistant Editor
Robert Griffiths, Publishing Assistant
Neil Hammond, Publisher, ORCID:
Author guidelines
Submissions to 欧美AV Applied Interfaces should be accompanied by a cover letter to the editor, outlining the importance and significance of the manuscript to the readership.
For general guidance on preparing an article please visit our Prepare your article page, the content of which is relevant to all our journals. Please note that 欧美AV Applied Interfaces does not require authors to submit using a specific template, but there are templates available if you wish to use them.
To learn more about the 欧美AV's policies and processes, including licensing, experimental data guidelines, peer review and formatting, please refer to our Resources for authors and Experimental data guidelines pages.
Peer review and editorial process
All articles published in 欧美AV Applied Interfaces are subject to external peer review by anonymised experts in the field and all manuscripts submitted are handled by a team of internationally recognised Associate Editors, who are all practicing scientists in the field.
The peer review for all articles submitted to the journal consists of the following stages:
Phase 1: Your manuscript is initially assessed by an associate editor to determine its suitability for peer review.
Phase 2: If the manuscript passes the initial assessment process, the associate editor solicits recommendations from at least two anonymous reviewers who are experts in the field. They will provide a report along with their recommendation.
Phase 3: The associate editor handling your manuscript makes a decision based on the reviewer reports received. In the event that no clear decision can be made, another reviewer will be consulted.
欧美AV Applied Interfaces is committed to a rigorous peer review process and expert editorial oversight for all published content. Please refer to our processes and policies for full details including our appeals procedure.
Transparent peer review
To support increased transparency, we offer authors the option of transparent peer review, where the editor’s decision letter, reviewers’ comments and authors’ response for all versions of the manuscript will be published alongside the article under an . Reviewers are anonymous unless they choose to sign their report.
Find out more about our transparent peer review policy.
Publication frequency
Articles accepted for publication in 欧美AV Applied Interfaces are published online with citeable DOIs as Advance Articles after they are edited and typeset. Articles are then assigned page numbers and published in an issue. Issues of 欧美AV Applied Interfaces are published every other month. Please find our most recent issue .
Ethical Requirements
欧美AV Applied Interfaces authors, editors, reviewers and published works are required to uphold the 欧美AV’s ethical standards. The 欧美AV is a member of the (COPE) and our ethical standards follow COPE’s and . In cases where these guidelines are breached or appear to be so, the 欧美AV will consult with COPE guidelines and act accordingly.
When a study involves the use of live animals or human subjects, authors must include in the 'methods/experimental' section of the manuscript a statement that all experiments were performed in compliance with the author’s institute’s policy on animal use and ethics; where possible, details of compliance with national or international laws or guidelines should be included. The statement must name the institutional/local ethics committee which has approved the study; where possible, the approval or case number should be provided. A statement that informed consent was obtained for any experimentation with human subjects is required. Reviewers may be asked to comment specifically on any cases in which concerns arise.
For further guidance on author responsibilities and code of conduct, which apply to 欧美AV Applied Interfaces and to all manuscripts submitted to 欧美AV journals, please visit our author hub.
Open access
As a gold open access journal, 欧美AV Applied Interfaces can maximise the potential and visibility of your publications. Our articles are free to read, access and cite by anyone around the world. We are also covering all article processing charges until mid-2026, so you can publish with us for free.
We offer 欧美AV Applied Interfaces authors a choice of two Creative Commons licences: CC BY or CC BY NC. Publication under these licences means that authors retain the copyright of their article, but users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. Read our open access statement for further information.
All published articles are deposited with LOCKSS, CLOCKSS, Portico and the British Library for archiving.
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Subscription information
欧美AV Applied Interfaces is fully gold open access – articles can be downloaded free from the website with no barriers to access.
Online only: ISSN 2755-3701
Copyright is retained by authors when an open access licence is accepted, as with our standard licence to publish agreement. Full and accurate attribution to the original author is required for any re-use of the work. Find out more about copyright, licences and re-use permission.
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