January 2015 Events in January 2015 http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/17065/rsc-biomaterials-chemistry-annual-conference Featured ŷAV event ŷAV: Biomaterials Chemistry Annual Conference Event dates: 5 - 6 January 2015<br/>Event summary: Annual meetings of the group are designed to promote biomaterials chemistry research and development, enhance existing links, foster new collaborations and spread expertise. <br/>Event Venue: The ŷAV, London, W1J 0BA, United Kingdom http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/12057/iipla-annual-congress-2015 Non ŷAV event IIPLA Annual Congress 2015 Event dates: 5 - 6 January 2015<br/>Event summary: The central theme of the conference is “Accelerating International Intellectual Property Cooperation”. I<br/>Event Venue: Dubai, UAE, Dubai, United Arab Emirates http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/17129/annual-meeting-of-the-rsc-spectroscopy-and-dynamics-group Featured ŷAV event Annual Meeting of the ŷAV Spectroscopy and Dynamics Group Event dates: 6 - 8 January 2015<br/>Event summary: The next Annual Meeting of the ŷAV Spectroscopy and Dynamics Group will be held at The University of Nottingham from the evening of Tue. 6th January until mid-afternoon on Thurs. 8th January 2015. <br/>Event Venue: University of Nottingham, Jubilee Campus, Nottingham, NG8 1BB, United Kingdom http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/16906/rsc-south-east-regional-meeting-2015 Featured ŷAV event ŷAV South East Regional Meeting 2015 Event dates: 6 January 2015<br/>Event summary: The South East Regional Meeting is a great way to find out more about the ŷAV and the work we are doing to support your community. <br/>Event Venue: Canterbury Cathedral Lodge, Canterbury, CT1 2EH, United Kingdom http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/16721/organic-division-scotland-regional-meeting-2015 Featured ŷAV event Organic Division Scotland Regional Meeting 2015 Event dates: 7 January 2015<br/>Event summary: This is the Scottish Organic Division Regional Meeting. It provides an opportunity for young members to present their research, network and hear progress in organic chemistry research.<br/>Event Venue: University of Glasgow, Glasgow, G12 8QQ, United Kingdom http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/12171/rsc-at-the-association-for-science-education-annual-conference-and-exhibition Featured ŷAV event ŷAV at The Association for Science Education Annual Conference and Exhibition Event dates: 7 - 10 January 2015<br/>Event summary: Exceptional ideas and resources for science teaching.Sessions dedicated to science education across all subject areas, offering hands-on activities and inspiring talks of science research.<br/>Event Venue: University of Reading , Reading , RG6 6AH, United Kingdom http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/17239/regulatory-compliance-for-dietary-supplements-in-the-us-eu-and-canada-2-day-in-person-seminar Non ŷAV event Regulatory Compliance for Dietary Supplements in the US, EU and Canada: 2-day In-person Seminar Event dates: 8 - 9 January 2015<br/>Event summary: A growing public demand for supplements has resulted in a flurry of companies creating and marketing dietary supplements in the United States, EU and Canada.<br/>Event Venue: Los Angeles, CA, Los Angeles, 90001, United States http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/17316/fda-bioterrorism-act-food-facility-registration-public-health-security-and-bioterrorism-preparedness Non ŷAV event FDA Bioterrorism Act Food Facility Registration - Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness Event dates: 8 January 2015<br/>Event summary: This webinar highlights how the Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act of 2002 (the Bioterrorism Act) directs the FDA<br/>Event Venue: Online Event, Palo Alto, 94303, United States http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/16969/understanding-ancient-parchments-using-analytical-chemistry Non ŷAV event Understanding Ancient Parchments using Analytical Chemistry Event dates: 8 January 2015<br/>Event summary: Join Lee Gonzalez as he discusses some of the problems with collagen, a major structural component of parchment, and outlines the key manufacturing stages of historical parchment.<br/>Event Venue: The ŷAV, London, W1J 0BA, United Kingdom http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/16459/royal-society-of-chemistry-heterocyclic-and-synthesis-january-one-day-meeting-and-group-agm Featured ŷAV event ŷAV Heterocyclic and Synthesis January One Day Meeting and Group AGM Event dates: 9 January 2015<br/>Event summary: The traditional January one-day meeting of the Heterocyclic & Synthesis Group. The meeting will include the AGM of the Group over the lunch interval.<br/>Event Venue: Institute of Cancer Research, London, SW3 6JB, United Kingdom http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/12058/the-12th-national-conference-and-technology-exhibition-on-indian-medical-devices-and-plastics-disposables-implants-industry-2015 Non ŷAV event The 12th National Conference And Technology Exhibition On Indian Medical Devices & Plastics Disposables / Implants Industry 2015 Event dates: 9 - 10 January 2015<br/>Event summary: With Special Focus On Medical Polymers and Processing, Device Manufacturing, Technology, Research & Market Developments, Packaging & Sterilization<br/>Event Venue: Ahmedabad Management Association, Ahmedabad, 380015, India http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/17288/gaining-and-re-establishing-control-of-your-cleanroom Non ŷAV event Gaining and Re-Establishing Control of Your Cleanroom Event dates: 9 January 2015<br/>Event summary: This 90-minute webinar will focus on the critical steps in starting up a new cleanroom operation and releasing it for manufacturing.<br/>Event Venue: Online Event, Palo Alto, 94108, United States http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/12059/kitchen-chemistry-rsc-family-lecture Featured ŷAV event Kitchen Chemistry-ŷAV family lecture Event dates: 10 January 2015<br/>Event summary: Atoms and molecules are all around us and chemistry is used to control and change these molecules. The Kitchen Chemistry show uses simple equipment and readily available material to illustrate some <br/>Event Venue: University of Southampton, Southampton, SO17 1BJ, United Kingdom http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/12060/biotech-showcase-2015 Non ŷAV event Biotech Showcase™ 2015 Event dates: 12 - 14 January 2015<br/>Event summary: Biotech Showcase™ is an investor and partnering conference devoted to providing private and small- and mid-cap biotechnology companies an opportunity to present to and meet with investors and biopha<br/>Event Venue: Parc 55 Wyndham San Francisco – Union Square, San Francisco, 94102, United States http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/12061/top-of-the-bench-downland-local-heat Featured ŷAV event Top of the Bench Downland Local Heat Event dates: 12 January 2015<br/>Event summary: Event #3. Downland is organising four events at different locations and dates.<br/>Event Venue: Sir William Perkins's School, Chertsey, KT16 9BN, United Kingdom http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/17307/rsc-gibson-fawcett-award-lecture-by-prof-andrew-dove Non ŷAV event ŷAV Gibson-Fawcett Award Lecture by Prof. Andrew Dove Event dates: 12 January 2015<br/>Event summary: Prof. Andrew Dove (Warwick) is the 2014 winner of the ŷAV Gibson-Fawcett Award. He will give a lecture titled: "Bioorthogonal click chemistry for the synthesis of degradable hydrogel materials".<br/>Event Venue: University of Reading, Reading, RG6 6AD, United Kingdom http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/12167/temporally-and-spatially-resolved-molecular-science-faraday-discussion-177 Featured ŷAV event Temporally and Spatially Resolved Molecular Science: Faraday Discussion 177 Event dates: 12 - 14 January 2015<br/>Event summary: This Faraday Discussion will bring together world experts in computational, crystallographic, spectroscopic, chemical, biological and numerous characterisation methods.<br/>Event Venue: Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560012, India http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/17123/webinar-on-key-factors-to-write-an-effective-standard-operating-procedure-sop-and-work-instructions-wis Non ŷAV event Webinar On Key Factors to Write an Effective Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) and Work Instructions (WIs) Event dates: 13 January 2015<br/>Event summary: This webinar will show you how to write, organize, and maintain SOPs and train personnel in a way that will ensure compliance in a way that is concise, reproducible and easy to follow.<br/>Event Venue: Online, Mississauga, L5V 2V5, Canada http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/12062/the-2015-sports-science-summit Non ŷAV event The 2015 Sports Science Summit Event dates: 13 - 15 January 2015<br/>Event summary: With plenty of opportunity for networking and debate, this informal international meeting will bring you up to date with current research and thinking regarding enhancing performance, together with <br/>Event Venue: Cineworld: The O2, London, SE10 0DX, United Kingdom http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/16809/nanotechnology-in-our-daily-lives Featured ŷAV event Nanotechnology in our Daily Lives Event dates: 13 January 2015<br/>Event summary: The lmpact and spread of Nanotechnology in industry and commerce will be explained and discussed<br/>Event Venue: University of Central Lancashire, PRESTON, PR1 2HE, United Kingdom http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/16902/quality-by-design-for-biopharmaceuticals-progress-and-opportunities Non ŷAV event Quality by Design for Biopharmaceuticals: Progress and Opportunities Event dates: 13 January 2015<br/>Event summary: This is a free evening seminar organised by De Montfort University and hosted by MedImmune, Granta Park, Cambridge.<br/>Event Venue: MedImmune, Granta Park, Cambridge, Cambridge, CB21 6GH, United Kingdom http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/16743/gas-chromatography-hands-on-advanced-injection-2-day-training-course Non ŷAV event Gas Chromatography: Hands-on Advanced Injection 2-day Training Course Event dates: 14 - 15 January 2015<br/>Event summary: The 2-day Hands-on Advanced Injection course combines the 2 advanced GC courses on the Programmable Temperature Vapourisers (PTVs) and Large Volume Injection (LVI).<br/>Event Venue: The Open University, Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA, United Kingdom http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/16624/uea-school-of-chemistry-research-seminar-dr-karen-faulds Featured ŷAV event UEA School of Chemistry Research Seminar - Dr Karen Faulds Event dates: 14 January 2015<br/>Event summary: Dr Karen Faulds of the University of Strathclyde will give a talk on: "Multiplexed and Sensitive Bioanalysis Using Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS)" <br/>Event Venue: University of East Anglia, Norwich, NR4 7TJ, United Kingdom http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/12063/retired-members-luncheon Featured ŷAV event Retired members Luncheon Event dates: 14 January 2015<br/>Event summary: Retired members Luncheon<br/>Event Venue: The Westbury Park Tavern, Bristol, BS9 4HP, United Kingdom http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/17317/implementing-fdas-21-cfr-111-for-dietary-supplements Non ŷAV event Implementing FDA's 21 CFR 111 for Dietary Supplements Event dates: 14 January 2015<br/>Event summary: Although FDA's Dietary Supplement Current Good Manufacturing Practice (CGMP) Final Rule 21 CFR Part 111 has been enforced since 2010, manufacturers<br/>Event Venue: Online Event, Palo Alto, 94303, United States http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/17202/bristol-chemlabs-talk-and-lecture-demonstration Featured ŷAV event Bristol ChemLabS Talk & Lecture Demonstration Event dates: 14 January 2015<br/>Event summary: This is an opportunity to hear about current research in chemistry from a postgraduate student working at Bristol University. You will also be treated to the spectacular lecture demonstration.<br/>Event Venue: University of Bristol, Bristol, BS8 1TS, United Kingdom http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/17242/free-webinar-measurement-of-the-seebeck-coefficient-and-electrical-conductivity-introduction-to-the-measurement-method Non ŷAV event Free Webinar: Measurement of the Seebeck Coefficient and Electrical Conductivity Introduction to the Measurement Method Event dates: 15 January 2015<br/>Event summary: This webinar provides an introduction to the measurement method and to the measurement setup of the respective thermal analysis instrument.<br/>Event Venue: Germany http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/17291/pharmaceutical-and-chemical-classification-under-the-harmonized-tariff-schedule Non ŷAV event Pharmaceutical and Chemical Classification under the Harmonized Tariff Schedule Event dates: 15 January 2015<br/>Event summary: This course will aid participants in minimizing errors in pharmaceutical and chemical classification under the Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS). <br/>Event Venue: Online Event, Palo Alto, 94303, United States http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/17121/webinar-on-the-fda-drug-approval-process Non ŷAV event Webinar On The FDA Drug Approval Process Event dates: 15 January 2015<br/>Event summary: This web seminar provides an overview of the entire FDA Drug Approval Process. This seminar will cover FDA requirements from discovery.<br/>Event Venue: Online, Mississauga, L5V 2V5, Canada http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/17122/webinar-on-fdas-new-enforcement-of-21-cfr-part-11 Non ŷAV event Webinar On FDA's New Enforcement of 21 CFR Part 11 Event dates: 15 January 2015<br/>Event summary: The seminar will have the answers. And using industry proven case studies on how to avoid 483 inspectional observations<br/>Event Venue: Online, Mississauga, L5V 2V5, Canada http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/17329/rsc-marlow-award-lecture-by-dr-cinzia-casiraghi Featured ŷAV event ŷAV Marlow Award Lecture by Dr Cinzia Casiraghi Event dates: 15 January 2015<br/>Event summary: Dr Cinzia Casiraghi<br/>Event Venue: University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL, United Kingdom http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/12064/top-of-the-bench-downland-local-heat Featured ŷAV event Top of the Bench Downland Local Heat Event dates: 15 January 2015<br/>Event summary: Event #4. Downland is organising four events at different locations and dates.<br/>Event Venue: Lancing College, Lancing, BN15 0RW, United Kingdom http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/16595/next-steps-for-nice-integration-medicine-pricing-and-key-issues-for-the-pharmaceutical-industry Non ŷAV event Next steps for NICE: integration, medicine pricing, and key issues for the pharmaceutical industry Event dates: 15 January 2015<br/>Event summary: Delegates at the 2015 annual Westminster Health Forum seminar on next steps for NICE are expected to assess the challenges and opportunities facing NICE. <br/>Event Venue: Central London TBA, London , SW1A, United Kingdom http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/16886/5th-asia-oceania-conference-on-green-and-sustainable-chemistry-aoc-5-gsc Featured event 5th Asia-Oceania Conference on Green and Sustainable Chemistry ( AOC-5 GSC) Event dates: 15 - 17 January 2015<br/>Event summary: ŷAV North India Section, GCNC and TERI jointly organizing the 5th Asia-Oceania Conference on Green and Sustainable Chemistry on January 15-17.<br/>Event Venue: India Habitat Centre, New Delhi, 110003, India http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/16911/rsc-eastern-regional-meeting-2015 Featured ŷAV event ŷAV Eastern Regional meeting 2015 Event dates: 15 January 2015<br/>Event summary: The Eastern Regional Meeting is a great way to find out more about the ŷAV and the work we are doing to support your community. <br/>Event Venue: The County Hotel, Chelmsford, CM1 2PZ, United Kingdom http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/17114/webinar-on-benchmark-for-cleaning-validation Non ŷAV event Webinar On Benchmark for Cleaning Validation Event dates: 15 January 2015<br/>Event summary: Cleaning validation is increasingly important in preventing cross contamination and interactions between active ingredients in subsequent batches run in the same equipment.<br/>Event Venue: Online, Mississauga, L5V 2V5, Canada http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/17000/mass-spectrometry-1-day-basics-of-deconvolution-amdis Non ŷAV event Mass Spectrometry: 1-day Basics of Deconvolution (AMDIS) Event dates: 16 January 2015<br/>Event summary: This one day classroom based course teaches you the theory of how to use this powerful Automated Mass Spectral Deconvolution and Identification System software to process your GC-MS data.<br/>Event Venue: The Open University, Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA, United Kingdom http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/17252/look-what-chemistry-has-done-for-me Featured ŷAV event Look What Chemistry Has Done For Me! Event dates: 16 January 2015<br/>Event summary: Find out about the wide range of careers available in chemistry. You can hear from people working in chemistry and related sciences. Dr Roy Lowry will present a spectular finale, Pyromania!<br/>Event Venue: Bodmin College, Bodmin, PL31 1DD, United Kingdom http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/17270/eu-leading-global-technology-and-innovation-in-the-renewable-sector Non ŷAV event EU: Leading Global Technology and Innovation in the Renewable Sector Event dates: 19 January 2015<br/>Event summary: The European Commission Directorate General for Energy is pleased to invite you to EU: Leading Global Technology and Innovation in the Renewable Sector.<br/>Event Venue: Abu Dhabi National Exhibitions Company, Abu Dhabi, 5546, United Arab Emirates http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/17001/5-day-complete-gas-chromatography-and-gc-ms Non ŷAV event 5-day Complete Gas Chromatography & GC-MS Event dates: 19 - 23 January 2015<br/>Event summary: The 5-day Complete GC & GC-MS course provides a complete training solution enabling you to understand your Gas Chromatograph or GC-MS instrument, develop applications, troubleshoot & maintain it.<br/>Event Venue: The Open University, Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA, United Kingdom http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/17004/complete-gas-chromatography-and-gc-ms Non ŷAV event Complete Gas Chromatography & GC-MS Event dates: 19 - 23 January 2015<br/>Event summary: The 5-day Complete GC & GC-MS course provides a complete training solution enabling you to understand your Gas Chromatograph or GC-MS instrument, develop applications, troubleshoot & maintain it.<br/>Event Venue: Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Nairobi, Kenya http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/17067/synthesis-and-applications-of-cyclic-carbonates Featured ŷAV event Synthesis and applications of cyclic carbonates Event dates: 19 January 2015<br/>Event summary: ŷAV Green Chemistry Award lecture The lecture commences at 16:00 and will last for approximately 1 hour.<br/>Event Venue: Cardiff University, Cardiff, CF10 3AT, United Kingdom http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/16508/top-of-the-bench-schools-competition-local-heat Featured ŷAV event Top of the Bench Schools Competition Local Heat Event dates: 19 January 2015<br/>Event summary: Central Yorkshire Local Section Heat<br/>Event Venue: University of York, York, YO10 5DD, United Kingdom http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/16400/pep-talk-the-protein-science-week Non ŷAV event Pep Talk: The Protein Science Week Event dates: 19 - 23 January 2015<br/>Event summary: PepTalk: The Protein Science Week January 19-23, 2015, offers an array of education, innovation and networking programs. Over 300 high-caliber speakers share case studies, unpublished data, breakthr<br/>Event Venue: Town and Country Resort & Convention Center, San Diego, United States http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/17222/webinar-on-statistical-process-control-spc Non ŷAV event Webinar On Statistical Process Control (SPC) Event dates: 20 January 2015<br/>Event summary: All companies want to improve the quality of their products Attempts to improve product quality need to be structured in such a way that they have a reasonable chance of success<br/>Event Venue: Online, Mississauga, L5V 2V5, Canada http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/12214/atmospheric-chemistry-myths-and-facts Featured ŷAV event Atmospheric Chemistry: Myths and Facts Event dates: 20 January 2015<br/>Event summary: The environmental issues that affect our planet and how they influence UK and International Policy.<br/>Event Venue: The University of Birmingham, Haworth Building, Birmingham, B15 2TT, United Kingdom http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/17309/microbiological-risk-do-i-really-need-to-test-raw-materials-for-microorganisms Non ŷAV event Microbiological Risk: Do I Really Need to Test Raw Materials for Microorganisms? Event dates: 20 January 2015<br/>Event summary: This webinar will cover the regulatory perspective in testing raw materials for microorganisms and how you can manage the risk of raw materials <br/>Event Venue: Online Event, Palo Alto, 94303, United States http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/17310/evolving-regulatory-expectation-for-particulates-in-biologics Non ŷAV event Evolving Regulatory Expectation for Particulates in Biologics Event dates: 20 January 2015<br/>Event summary: This webinar will discuss the evolving regulatory requirments for testing Biologics injectibles for sub-visible Particulates.<br/>Event Venue: Online Event, Palo Alto, 94303, United States http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/17369/verification-vs-validation-in-regulated-industries Non ŷAV event Verification vs. Validation in Regulated Industries Event dates: 21 January 2015<br/>Event summary: Get trained on the concept of verification and validation and understand the differences between the two in both design and process operations in regulated industries<br/>Event Venue: 2600 E. Bayshore Road, Palo Alto, CA, 94303, United States http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/12174/rsc-at-bett-show-2015 Featured ŷAV event ŷAV at BETT Show 2015 Event dates: 21 - 24 January 2015<br/>Event summary: The global gathering of the world’s leading technology brands and the entire education market, Bett provides an unrivalled platform from which to showcase the latest technology.<br/>Event Venue: ExCel London Exhibition and Convention Centre, London, E16 1XL, United Kingdom http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/17118/webinar-on-design-inputs-design-outputs-traceability-matrix-principles-of-lean-documents-and-lean-configuration Non ŷAV event Webinar on Design Inputs - Design Outputs Traceability Matrix - Principles of Lean Documents and Lean Configuration Event dates: 21 January 2015<br/>Event summary: In this webinar, we apply the Theory of Lean documents and its corollary Theory of Lean Configuration to present a fresh approach to these linked and cascading documents.<br/>Event Venue: Online, Mississauga, L5V 2V5, Canada http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/17163/heritage-smells ŷAV event Heritage Smells Event dates: 21 January 2015<br/>Event summary: The lecture will describe the main scientific and heritage objectives of the 'Heritage Smells Interdisciplinary Project'<br/>Event Venue: Queens University of Belfast, Belfast, BT9 6TS, United Kingdom http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/17165/webinar-on-u-s-fdas-strategic-priorities-2015-and-beyond Non ŷAV event Webinar On U.S. FDA's Strategic Priorities - 2015 and Beyond Event dates: 21 January 2015<br/>Event summary: This webinar will discuss about two “Strategic Priorities” that the FDA has published to emphasize their future directions vis a vis regulated industry and public safety.<br/>Event Venue: Online, Mississauga, L5V 2V5, Canada http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/17168/exploring-new-avenues-in-medicinal-chemistry-opportunities-and-challenges Featured ŷAV event Exploring New Avenues in Medicinal Chemistry: Opportunities and Challenges Event dates: 21 - 23 January 2015<br/>Event summary: A three day international conference to be held in January 2015, 21-23rd, at the Department of Chemistry, Forman Christian College (A Chartered University), Lahore, Pakistan.<br/>Event Venue: Department of Chemistry, Forman Christian College (A Chartered University), Lahore, Pakistan , Lahore, 54600, Pakistan http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/16586/pharmaceutical-microbiology Non ŷAV event Pharmaceutical Microbiology Event dates: 21 - 22 January 2015<br/>Event summary: Pharmaceutical Microbiology 2015 returns to London on 21st and 22nd January, providing essential insights into the prevention, detection and management of Microorganisms. <br/>Event Venue: Marriott Regents Park Hotel, London, NW3 3ST, United Kingdom http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/16656/uea-school-of-chemistry-research-seminar-dr-kate-kemsley Featured ŷAV event UEA School of Chemistry Research Seminar - Dr Kate Kemsley Event dates: 21 January 2015<br/>Event summary: Dr Kate Kemsley of the Institute of Food Research will give a lecture: 60MHz “Benchtop” NMR for Rapid Compositional Analysis of Triglycerides http://www.ifr.ac.uk/research/scientists/kate-kemsley<br/>Event Venue: University of East Anglia, Norwich, NR4 7TJ, United Kingdom http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/16872/4th-trial-master-file-summit Non ŷAV event 4th Trial Master File Summit Event dates: 21 - 23 January 2015<br/>Event summary: The largest life sciences event globally completely dedicated to Trial Master Files.<br/>Event Venue: Key Bridge Marriott, Arlington, 22209, United States http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/16912/rsc-north-east-regional-meeting-2015 Featured ŷAV event ŷAV North East Regional Meeting 2015 Event dates: 22 January 2015<br/>Event summary: The North East Regional Meeting is a great way to find out more about the ŷAV and the work we are doing to support your community.<br/>Event Venue: The Biscuit Factory, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE2 1AN, United Kingdom http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/16976/7th-risk-evaluation-and-mitigation-strategies-summit Non ŷAV event 7th Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategies Summit Event dates: 22 - 23 January 2015<br/>Event summary: Assess Regulatory Developments, Cutting-Edge Research and Effective Risk Minimization Tools from Related Disciplines to Improve the Effectiveness of REMS<br/>Event Venue: Key Bridge Marriott, Arlington, 22209, United States http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/17599/lecture-the-structure-of-the-adrenomedullin-receptor-how-an-accessory-protein-directs-the-chemistry-of-peptide-protein-interaction Non ŷAV event Lecture - The Structure of the adrenomedullin receptor; how an accessory protein directs the chemistry of peptide-protein interaction Event dates: 22 January 2015<br/>Event summary: Lecture - The Structure of the adrenomedullin receptor; how an accessory protein directs the chemistry of peptide-protein interaction<br/>Event Venue: University of Essex, Colchester, CO4 3SQ, United Kingdom http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/17117/webinar-on-what-is-the-harm-in-that-risk-management-101 Non ŷAV event Webinar On What is the harm in that? Risk Management 101 Event dates: 22 January 2015<br/>Event summary: Attendees will learn what goes into a successful risk management program as well as, how to identify, assess and mitigate risk in their environment.<br/>Event Venue: Online, Mississauga, L5V 2V5, Canada http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/17333/fracking Featured ŷAV event Fracking Event dates: 22 January 2015<br/>Event summary: This lecture, by an energy expert, reviews the production of oil and gas by fracking in comparison with other sources of energy in USA and Europe,<br/>Event Venue: The ŷAV, London, W1J 0BA, United Kingdom http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/17442/manchester-ymn-whisky-tasting Featured ŷAV event Manchester YMN Whisky Tasting Event dates: 23 January 2015<br/>Event summary: Now in it's tenth year, the YMN's Whisky tasting is always a great way to network<br/>Event Venue: Chemistry Building, , Manchester , M13 9PA, United Kingdom http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/17227/one-day-symposium-on-catalytic-c-h-functionalisation Non ŷAV event One Day Symposium on Catalytic C-H Functionalisation Event dates: 23 January 2015<br/>Event summary: It will focus on the mechanism and applications of catalytic C-H functionalization and is aimed at academic and industrial chemists. <br/>Event Venue: University of Leicester, Chemistry Department, Leicester, LE1 7RH, United Kingdom http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/17515/2014-faraday-lectureship-prize-winner-lecture Featured ŷAV event 2014 Faraday Lectureship Prize Winner Lecture Event dates: 23 January 2015<br/>Event summary: 2014 Faraday Lectureship Prize Winner Lecture by Professor Michel Che. Title = Relevance of geochemistry to the life of a catalyst: when fire meets water.<br/>Event Venue: UCL, London, WC1H 0AJ, United Kingdom http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/16944/bgs-movement-disorders-specialists-annual-update Non ŷAV event BGS Movement Disorders Specialists Annual Update Event dates: 23 January 2015<br/>Event summary: BGS Movement Disorder Specialists Annual Update 23rd Jan 2015 Birmingham.<br/>Event Venue: Conference Aston, Birmingham, B4 7ET, United Kingdom http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/16787/christmas-meal-cumbria-local-section Featured ŷAV event Christmas Meal (Cumbria Local Section) Event dates: 23 January 2015<br/>Event summary: The Traditional ŷAV Cumbria Meeting's Christmas but in January to avoid clash with other meals and for a change. <br/>Event Venue: Manor House, Cockermouth, CA13 0EJ, United Kingdom http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/16688/rsc-top-of-the-bench-competition-for-ks3-and-ks4-students-north-staffordshire Featured ŷAV event ŷAV “Top of the Bench” competition for KS3 and KS4 students North Staffordshire Event dates: 24 January 2015<br/>Event summary: The North Staffs Local Section will be hosting a regional heat of Top of the Bench for KS3 and 4 students. To enter a team, contact us to receive a question pack. This should be returned by 01/12/14.<br/>Event Venue: Keele University, Keele, ST5 5BG, United Kingdom http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/12065/12th-winter-conference-on-medicinal-and-bioorganic-chemistry Non ŷAV event 12th Winter Conference on Medicinal & Bioorganic Chemistry Event dates: 25 - 29 January 2015<br/>Event summary: This conference will provide an informative programme of presentations and networking events.<br/>Event Venue: Sheraton Steamboat Springs Resort, Steamboat Springs, United States http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/12066/high-content-analysis-and-phenotypic-screening Non ŷAV event High-Content Analysis & Phenotypic Screening Event dates: 26 - 27 January 2015<br/>Event summary: We are pleased to announce CHI’s Twelfth Annual High-Content Analysis meeting, the premier event showcasing the latest advancements in HCA applications and technologies. Over the years we have obser<br/>Event Venue: Hilton San Diego Resort & Spa, San Diego, 92109, United States http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/17260/webinar-on-ebola-outbreak-guidelines-and-strategies-to-protect-the-workplace Non ŷAV event Webinar On Ebola Outbreak: Guidelines and Strategies to Protect the Workplace Event dates: 26 January 2015<br/>Event summary: This webinar will provide tips and information to assist companies to protect the workforce, educate employees, as well as learn about compliance risks.<br/>Event Venue: Online, Mississauga, 148023, Canada http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/17119/webinar-on-complaint-handling-and-medical-device-reporting-mdr Non ŷAV event Webinar On Complaint Handling & Medical Device Reporting (MDR) Event dates: 26 January 2015<br/>Event summary: This presentation is intended to help global medical device firms and stakeholders adequately implement US FDA-compliant medical device complaint handling and medical device reporting (MDR) systems.<br/>Event Venue: Online, Mississauga, L5V 2V5, Canada http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/16883/4th-drug-formulation-and-bioavailability Non ŷAV event 4th Drug Formulation and Bioavailability Event dates: 26 - 28 January 2015<br/>Event summary: Breakthrough Techniques in Optimizing the Screening, Delivery, Solubility, and Stability of Drugs and Biologics to Enhance Product Life Cycles.<br/>Event Venue: Hilton Boston Logan Airport, One Hotel Drive, 02128, United States http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/17068/the-relevance-of-geochemistry-to-the-life-of-a-catalyst Featured ŷAV event The Relevance of Geochemistry to the Life of a Catalyst Event dates: 26 January 2015<br/>Event summary: 2014 Faraday Lectureship Prize The lecture commences at 16:00 and will last for approximately 1 hour.<br/>Event Venue: Cardiff University, Cardiff, CF10 3AT, United Kingdom http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/17116/webinar-on-building-a-compliant-documentation-and-training-system Non ŷAV event Webinar On Building a Compliant Documentation and Training System Event dates: 26 January 2015<br/>Event summary: This 60 minutes webinar will give a better understanding of the relationship between compliance, documentation, and training.<br/>Event Venue: Online, Mississauga, L5V 2V5, Canada http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/16922/the-world-nsclc-summit Non ŷAV event The World NSCLC Summit Event dates: 27 - 28 January 2015<br/>Event summary: Targeted Therapies in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) Drug Development<br/>Event Venue: The Colonnade hotel, Boston, 02116, United States http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/16973/4th-crown-congress Non ŷAV event 4th CROWN Congress Event dates: 27 - 29 January 2015<br/>Event summary: An ELITE Gathering of Clinical Decision-Makers Learn, Network and Engage on Topics Critical to the Effective Design, Development and Execution of Clinical Trials<br/>Event Venue: Hyatt Regency Philadelphia at Penn's Landing, Philadelphia, 19106, United States http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/16919/diagnostics-and-biomarkers Non ŷAV event Diagnostics & Biomarkers Event dates: 27 - 28 January 2015<br/>Event summary: This innovative, online event aims to provide an insight into the latest developments in discovery & validation technologies. <br/>Event Venue: Online event, United States http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/16795/big-data-in-pharma-europe-2015 Non ŷAV event Big Data in Pharma Europe 2015 Event dates: 27 - 29 January 2015<br/>Event summary: Taking the Next Steps on the Big Data Journey to Revolutionise Value-Based Personalised Healthcare<br/>Event Venue: Hilton London Canary Wharf, London, E14 9SH, United Kingdom http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/16723/software-design-for-medical-devices-europe Non ŷAV event Software Design for Medical Devices Europe Event dates: 27 - 28 January 2015<br/>Event summary: The only international gathering for medical software designs, agile development and compliance.<br/>Event Venue: IQPC, Munich, 80331, Germany http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/17173/alchemy-or-how-to-make-gold Featured event Alchemy, or How to Make Gold Event dates: 27 January 2015<br/>Event summary: A talk on the history of alchemy, what alchemists were trying to achieve (not just the production of gold), and the effects of their work on modern chemistry. The event starts at 18:00.<br/>Event Venue: Teesside University, Middlesbrough, TS1 3BA, United Kingdom http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/17164/webinar-on-how-to-develop-a-master-validation-plan Non ŷAV event Webinar On How to Develop a Master Validation Plan Event dates: 27 January 2015<br/>Event summary: This webinar on “How to Develop a Master Validation Plan” (also known as Validation Master Plan) will provide a step-by-step procedure for all medical device companies<br/>Event Venue: Online, Mississauga, L5V 2V5, Canada http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/17204/seminar-dr-rebecca-goss Featured ŷAV event Seminar - Dr. Rebecca Goss Event dates: 27 January 2015<br/>Event summary: A seminar by Dr. Rebecca Goss of University of St. Andrews. The seminar will begin at 4pm<br/>Event Venue: Newcastle University, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 7RU, United Kingdom http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/17151/top-of-the-bench-tayside-regional-final Featured ŷAV event Top of the Bench Tayside Regional Final Event dates: 27 January 2015<br/>Event summary: The Regional Final of the Top of the Bench competition in the Tayside region will be held at the School of Chemistry, University of St Andrews at 1800 on Tuesday 27th January 2015.<br/>Event Venue: University of St Andrews, School of Chemistry, St Andrews, KY16 9ST, United Kingdom http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/12067/5th-annual-pharma-randd-asia-congress Non ŷAV event 5th Annual Pharma R&D Asia Congress Event dates: 27 - 28 January 2015<br/>Event summary: The 5th Annual Pharma R&D World Asia congress will discuss novel scientific innovations in Discovery and Development in Asia<br/>Event Venue: TBC, Shanghai, China http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/12068/4th-annual-clinical-development-and-trials-asia-congress Non ŷAV event 4th Annual Clinical Development and Trials Asia Congress Event dates: 27 - 28 January 2015<br/>Event summary: 4th Annual Clinical Development and Trials Asia Congress is to be held on 27th & 28th January 2015, Shanghai, China. Attended by over 170 industry leaders in Clinical Development & Clinical Trials D<br/>Event Venue: TBC, Shanghai, China http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/12069/thermoplastic-concentrates-2015 Non ŷAV event Thermoplastic Concentrates 2015 Event dates: 27 - 29 January 2015<br/>Event summary: The international marketing, business and technical conference for the thermoplastic concentrate industry<br/>Event Venue: Ft. Lauderdale Marriott Coral Springs Golf Resort, Coral Springs, 33076, United States http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/12070/bacteriophages-2015 Non ŷAV event Bacteriophages 2015 Event dates: 27 - 29 January 2015<br/>Event summary: This event will discuss the many roles of bacteriophages, ranging from fundamental biological research to their use in medical and industrial biotechnologies. Topics will include uses of phages fo<br/>Event Venue: Cineworld: The O2, London, SE10 0DX, United Kingdom http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/12071/east-anglia-local-section-gourmet-dinner-and-agm ŷAV event East Anglia Local Section Gourmet Dinner and AGM Event dates: 27 January 2015<br/>Event summary: Talk and dinner in the Norwich City College "Debut" restaurant, with the topic of Whisky and a speaker from St George's Distillery. The talk will be preceded by the Section's Annual General Meeting.<br/>Event Venue: City College Norwich, Norwich, NR2 2LJ, United Kingdom http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/17355/synthomer-from-concept-to-consumer Featured ŷAV event Synthomer - From Concept to Consumer Event dates: 27 January 2015<br/>Event summary: There will be a presentation based around Synthomer's technologies, with some examples of where their products are used and a laboratory tour.<br/>Event Venue: Synthomer, Harlow, CM20 2BH, United Kingdom http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/17218/free-webinar-understanding-the-pathways-of-necroptotic-cell-death Non ŷAV event Free webinar: Understanding the pathways of necroptotic cell death Event dates: 28 January 2015<br/>Event summary: This webinar will help you understand the link as well as differences between apoptosis and necroptosis. It will also introduce new tools developed to activate effectors of necroptosis.<br/>Event Venue: Online Events, Worldwide http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/17147/cafe-scientifique Featured ŷAV event Cafe Scientifique Event dates: 28 January 2015<br/>Event summary: Heart disease, red wine and the French paradox<br/>Event Venue: The White Horse Inn (Nellies), Beverley, HU17 8BN, United Kingdom http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/17579/porous-materials-for-energy-applications Featured event Porous Materials for Energy Applications Event dates: 28 January 2015<br/>Event summary: Lecture by Prof Andrew Cooper of University of Liverpool Prof Cooper is the Director of the Centre for Materials Discovery. His core research interest is organic materials for energy applications.<br/>Event Venue: Ship and Mitre, Liverpool, L2 2JH, United Kingdom http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/16844/19th-annual-drug-delivery-partnerships Non ŷAV event 19th Annual Drug Delivery Partnerships Event dates: 28 - 30 January 2015<br/>Event summary: Accelerating the Path to Market by Leveraging New Partnerships, Breakthrough Innovation and Unique Business Models.<br/>Event Venue: Boca Raton Resort & Club, Boca Raton, 33432, United States http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/16863/good-clinical-practice Non ŷAV event Good Clinical Practice Event dates: 28 - 29 January 2015<br/>Event summary: Course Scope This course provides an introduction to the clinical trial process and the requirements of Good Clinical Practice GCP). <br/>Event Venue: The Science and Technology Centre, Berkshire, RG6 6BZ, United Kingdom http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/16735/chemistry-of-drumming Featured ŷAV event Chemistry of Drumming Event dates: 28 January 2015<br/>Event summary: Learn the science behind drumming<br/>Event Venue: University of Gloucestershire, Oxstalls Campus, Gloucester, GL2 9HW, United Kingdom http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/17028/year-12-masterclass-fully-booked Featured ŷAV event Year 12 Masterclass - FULLY BOOKED Event dates: 28 January 2015<br/>Event summary: Come and experience the state-of-the-art superlab at London Metropolitan University.<br/>Event Venue: School of Human Sciences, London Metropolitan University, London, N7 8DB, United Kingdom http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/16921/test-the-chemist-pub-quiz Featured ŷAV event Test the Chemist Pub Quiz Event dates: 29 January 2015<br/>Event summary: One of our popular annual events with free entry, prize and refreshments available. Is mostly general knowledge with the odd chemistry question.<br/>Event Venue: The Chase Hotel, Whitehaven, CA28 8AA, United Kingdom http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/17273/raw-material-requirements-health-canada-usp-ep-in-a-cgmp-environment-issues-and-solutions Non ŷAV event Raw Material Requirements (Health Canada/USP/EP) in a cGMP Environment - Issues and Solutions Event dates: 29 - 30 January 2015<br/>Event summary: Raw material requirements in a cGMP environment are often overlooked as a company develops new products. Depending on the product being developed<br/>Event Venue: Orlando, FL, Orlando, 32801, United States http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/17326/7th-scottish-symposium-on-environmental-analytical-chemistry Featured ŷAV event 7th Scottish Symposium on Environmental Analytical Chemistry Event dates: 29 January 2015<br/>Event summary: A forum for, in particular, early-career scientists involved in the development or application of chemical analysis in environmental studies<br/>Event Venue: The Robert Gordon University, ABERDEEN, AB10 7GJ, United Kingdom http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/12073/implementing-the-science-and-innovation-strategy Non ŷAV event Implementing the Science and Innovation Strategy Event dates: 29 January 2015<br/>Event summary: Guest of Honour: Rt Hon David Willetts MP, Minister of State for Universities and Science, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills<br/>Event Venue: Central London (Exact Venue TBC), United Kingdom http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/17221/webinar-on-fda-proposed-changes-to-iso-13485-2015-and-medical-devices-quality-management-systems Non ŷAV event Webinar On FDA proposed changes to ISO 13485: 2015 and Medical Devices Quality Management Systems Event dates: 30 January 2015<br/>Event summary: ISO 13485:2015 - What’s coming? Understand proposed changes being worked on by the ISO technical committee for updating the ISO 13485:2003. <br/>Event Venue: Online, Mississauga, L5V 2V5, Canada http://www.rsc.org/events/detail/17203/the-chemistry-of-fragrances-the-art-of-perfumery-explained-fully-booked Featured ŷAV event The Chemistry of Fragrances: The Art of Perfumery Explained- FULLY BOOKED Event dates: 30 January 2015<br/>Event summary: How do you extract fragrances? Can they be man-made? How do you blend fragrances to to make a pleasing perfume? Why is chemistry improtant in the fragrance industry? <br/>Event Venue: The ŷAV at Burlington House, London, W1J 0BA, United Kingdom