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Please email abstracts to be considered for oral and poster presentations (see guidelines below) to charlie.ohara@strath.ac.uk by 11th August 2015. The registration fee for the event is 70 for academics and post-docs and 15 for students, payable by clicking on this  HYPERLINK "https://events.rsc.org/rsc/frontend/reg/tSelectBookingMode.csp?pageID=201469&eventID=716&tempPersonID=224797&eventID=716" registration link. Owing to space restrictions, numbers are limited to 100 participants so early registration is recommended. GUIDELINES FOR ABSTRACTS Please use the template on the following page and these guidelines for your abstract(s): Please use this format for the abstract file name: For oral abstracts: Surname_MG2015_O For poster abstracts: Surname_MG2015_P Use a separate file for each abstract if submitting on behalf of others One A4 page Left margin 4cm, right margin 2.5cm, top margin 2.5cm, bottom margin 2.5cm Single line space Font: Arial Title in 14-point bold, centred. Indicate whether the abstract is to be considered for poster or oral presentation by including a P or O after the title. Authors and contact details beneath the title, presenting author underlined, centred Abstract text 12-point, justified References in 10-point font, numbered with Arabic numerals, dont use EndNote Word document and not pdf, graphics inserted as compressed tif files or equivalent Many thanks, Mike Hill, Debbie Kays and Charlie OHara The title goes here O/P (delete as appropriate) A. Author, B. Author, C. Author and D. 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