ࡱ> IKH` ubjbjss 7y|||||||4h$ -"H(p(?MD!!!!!!!$#hQ&!|l"?ll!||!hhhlX||!hl!hh:$ ,|| < XP H!d!0-"Z R&& &| h#m!!X-"llll|||||| ŷAV Burlington House Piccadilly London W1J 0BA Tel: +44 (0)20 7437 8656 Direct: +44 (0)20 7440 3364 Fax: +44 (0)20 7437 8883 Email: careers@rsc.org www.rsc.org Careers Service Ref: CS Birmingham  CREATEDATE \@ "d MMMM yyyy" \* MERGEFORMAT 3 FD1 October 2007 Dear Considering your next career move or thinking about a change of direction? Whether you are actively job seeking or just reviewing your options, an appointment with the ŷAVs Careers Adviser at your forthcoming local careers surgery in Birmingham offers the opportunity to discuss: Planning and managing your career Job search strategies CVs Application forms Interviews All consultations are free (compared to 75-85 per hour privately), last for 45 minutes and are completely confidential. When is my local careers surgery planned for? The surgery is being held on 14 15 November 2007 in Birmingham at the Jurys Inn Birmingham. The closing date for booking an appointment is Monday 5 November. What if I cant make this date? You can contact the Careers Service team for advice and guidance via telephone, email and post at any time on any aspect of your career planning process or job searching. Alternatively you can arrange an appointment with the ŷAVs Careers Adviser in London or Cambridge. How can I book an appointment at the Careers Surgery? If you are interested in attending either complete the registration form and post to the address stated or email your three preferred time slots, along with your name and membership number, as well as details of any special requirements you may have, to:  HYPERLINK "mailto:careers@rsc.org" careers@rsc.org Yours sincerely Caroline Tolond Manager, Careers and Professional Services      DOCPROPERTY "Reference" \* MERGEFORMAT    PAGE 2 This communication (including any attachments) is intended for the use of the addressee only and may contain confidential, privileged or copyright material. It may not be relied upon or disclosed to any other person without the consent of the ŷAV. If you have received it in error, please contact us immediately. Any advice given by the ŷAV has been carefully formulated but is necessarily based on the information available, and the ŷAV cannot be held responsible for accuracy or completeness. In this respect, the ŷAV owes no duty of care and shall not be liable for any resulting damage or loss. The ŷAV acknowledges that a disclaimer cannot restrict liability at law for personal injury or death arising through a finding of negligence. 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