The theme of #GWB2023 is Breaking Barriers in Science. Groups from all types of science organizations from high schools, to scientific societies, universities, companies, governments, and non-governmental organizations are invited to host events. GWB is also a flagship event of the International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development bringing together people from all science disciplines. This opportunity will expand our student chapter professional network across disciplines and across the world. The event will also serve as a means of preparing students for Interventions required at several stages and with policy tools as well as focused programs to shift priorities, investments, and perceptions on womens and girls place in STI, and institute practical measures that directly respond to barriers that hinder womens and girls success. The event will explore innovative ways to ensure coherence among the thousands of initiatives that are fruity to ensure scale and value-added. To this end, interventions relating to best practices and innovative solutions are highly welcomed. Resource persons in this field will be invited within the country to share their understanding of this title including their experiences and way out. The participants will learn and share their ideas and experiences with peers around, and contribute towards the common goal of Equality in Science for Sustainable Development.
Prof. Angela Wilson,
The President,
American Chemical Society (ACS).
Dr. Henrietta Kelle
Head of the Department,
Chemistry, National Open University of Nigeria.
Prof. Angela Wilson,
The President,
American Chemical Society (ACS).
Dr. Henrietta Kelle
Head of the Department,
Chemistry, National Open University of Nigeria.