The groundbreaking potential of Mechanochemistry will be discussed at INCOME2022, co-organised with the EU COST Action CA18112 Mechanochemistry for Sustainable Industry (MechSustInd).
INCOME is the most important international convention dedicated to the science of physical and chemical transformations initiated and driven by mechanical forces.
Since 1993, INCOME offers to the community of scientists involved in the field a few days of intense dissemination. Old and new ideas are lively debated under the captivating atmosphere created by the presentation of most recent results and the discussion of most urgent research needs. It has tied fundamental issues and practical aspects, attracting scholars and researchers from the most diverse areas of investigation. An awesome community, a multidisciplinary melting pot of physicists, chemists, engineers, geologists and biologists devoted to cross-contamination at the cutting edge of science and technology.
INCOME2022 comes in conjunction with the great excitement for the new developments in the field related to the application of mechanical processing methods in areas of inorganic and organic chemistry at the intersection between Materials, Pharmaceutical, Environmental and Energy Sciences. Mechanochemistry is vigorously moving ahead, combining centuries-old traditions with advancements in fundamental knowledge and innovation in engineering tools, thus attracting interest from industry. The entire field is burgeoning under the powerful thrust to understand basic science issues and model multi-scale processes with the aim of designing and building molecules and materials while endowing them with novel functionalities.
INCOME2022 is co-organised with the COST Action CA18112 Mechanochemistry for Sustainable Industry' (MechSustInd) within the EU Framework Programme Horizon 2020.
Definitely, Mechanochemistry shows the promise of promoting and spreading excellence, fostering interdisciplinary research for breakthrough science and empowering and retaining young researchers and innovators.
The groundbreaking potential of Mechanochemistry will be discussed during INCOME2022.
INCOME is the most important international convention dedicated to the science of physical and chemical transformations initiated and driven by mechanical forces.
Since 1993, INCOME offers to the community of scientists involved in the field a few days of intense dissemination. Old and new ideas are lively debated under the captivating atmosphere created by the presentation of most recent results and the discussion of most urgent research needs. It has tied fundamental issues and practical aspects, attracting scholars and researchers from the most diverse areas of investigation. An awesome community, a multidisciplinary melting pot of physicists, chemists, engineers, geologists and biologists devoted to cross-contamination at the cutting edge of science and technology.
INCOME2022 comes in conjunction with the great excitement for the new developments in the field related to the application of mechanical processing methods in areas of inorganic and organic chemistry at the intersection between Materials, Pharmaceutical, Environmental and Energy Sciences. Mechanochemistry is vigorously moving ahead, combining centuries-old traditions with advancements in fundamental knowledge and innovation in engineering tools, thus attracting interest from industry. The entire field is burgeoning under the powerful thrust to understand basic science issues and model multi-scale processes with the aim of designing and building molecules and materials while endowing them with novel functionalities.
INCOME2022 is co-organised with the COST Action CA18112 Mechanochemistry for Sustainable Industry' (MechSustInd) within the EU Framework Programme Horizon 2020.
Definitely, Mechanochemistry shows the promise of promoting and spreading excellence, fostering interdisciplinary research for breakthrough science and empowering and retaining young researchers and innovators.
The groundbreaking potential of Mechanochemistry will be discussed during INCOME2022.