The Romanian Limnogeographical Association (RLA) in collaboration with the German Limnological Society (GLS), Polish Limnological Society (PLS), Danube Delta National Institute Tulcea (DDNI) and the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve Authority (DDBRA) would like to invite you to take part in the 4th International Conference Water resources and wetlands set to take place between 5-9 September, 2018 in Tulcea, Romania.
The goal is to offer participants a meeting place where experience and knowledge can be shared and exchanged, whether they are researchers, private companies or government institutions (central or local), in order to come up with solutions for the issues facing each of these stakeholders. The field trips in the Danube Delta, which is one of the largest European wetlands known for its biodiversity and unique habitats, protected under the administration of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve Authority (DDBRA), will contribute to a better understanding of the management of such a reserve.
The goal is to offer participants a meeting place where experience and knowledge can be shared and exchanged, whether they are researchers, private companies or government institutions (central or local), in order to come up with solutions for the issues facing each of these stakeholders. The field trips in the Danube Delta, which is one of the largest European wetlands known for its biodiversity and unique habitats, protected under the administration of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve Authority (DDBRA), will contribute to a better understanding of the management of such a reserve.