- Multiomics
- BIG DATA Tools for OMICS
- OMICS Tools for Precision Medicine
- Pharmaceutical Protein Characterization
- Metabolomics: from the discovery of differential metabolites to function elucidation
- Novel aspects of hormone analysis
- Clinical mass spectrometry in metabolomics and proteomics application
- Reference Ranges Data Mining at the Cusp of Clinical Translation
- Genomics
- Laboratory management
- Aspects of Quality Management in the Serological Immune Diagnostics
- Bioinformatics and Big Data Applications in Microbiome Analysis
- Accreditation of Medical Laboratories in Europe
- Preanayltical issues
- Separation Techniques
- Analysis of perfluorinated Compounds
- Analysis of Microplastics
- New Developments in Analytical Spectroscopy: The Power of Light
- New Developments in Analytical Spectroscopy: The Power of Speciation Analysis
- New Developments in Analytical Spectroscopy: The Power of Nanoanalysis
- From Big Data to Smart Data
- Young Analysts in Process Analytics
- Aptamer-based Biosensors
- Analytical Challenges from Implementing Consumer-Oriented Legislation
- Trends in Analytical Toxicology- New Matrices, New Methods, New Analytes
- Aerosols and Health: Characterisation of the Composition and the Toxicological Effects of Air Pollution
- Analysis of Contemporary Materials for Food and other Uses
- Analysis of Bioactivity in Foods to Complement High Resolution Methodologies
- Modern Analytical Approaches for Emerging Contaminants in Foods
- ABC-Spotlight on Bio- and Environmental Analysis
- Groe analytische Datens辰tze - Chemometrik ein Hilfsmittel zur Aus- und Bewertung
- Modern analytical aspects in TDM and Clinical Toxicology