Open Science and the Chemistry Lab of the Future: changing practices, cultures and perspectives
Open Access, Open Data, Open Science, Data Sharing and Big Data are examples of buzz words that are used to describe the new opportunities and demands for sharing and reusing the results of scientific research. The advantages for the scientific community in gaining unrestricted access are immense, but only if the data is standardized, comprehensively reported, validated and authenticated. In chemistry and biochemistry the consequences of funding agency mandates for depositing and sharing data are just becoming apparent.
In the laboratory, interconnected devices are allowing new paradigms to develop in the design, control and reproducibility of experiments and procedures. This will involve modifying current workflows to integrate reporting standards and make use of automation. This symposium will bring together research scientists, data scientists, publishers, funders and other interested parties to review critically their needs and concerns and discuss how they see the future developing in the context of the highly interconnected, data driven lab of the future and the new infrastructures that are being set up.
The symposium will take place in the Hotel Jagdschloss Niederwald, Rüdesheim, Germany.
The meeting will be held from 22 to 24 May 2017
with the 21st and the 24th for traveling.
In the evening of the 21st there will be a welcome reception followed by dinner.
The setting and the limited number of participants (max. 50 persons) provide a very convivial atmosphere for the ready exchange of thoughts and ideas.
The scientific program will take place over three days and will start at 9.00 a.m. on Monday, the 22nd, and end in the late afternoon on Wednesday, the 24th.
Confirmed speakers:
Ian Baxendale / Durham University
Christoph Bruch / Helmholtz Association, Potsdam
Ian Bruno / Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre
Stuart Chalk / University of North Florida, Jacksonville
Lee Cronin / University of Glasgow
Daniel Fitzpatrick / University of Cambridge
Johannes Fournier / German Research Foundation, Bonn
Jeremy Frey / University of Southampton
Nicole Jung / Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Carsten Kettner / Beilstein-Institut, Frankfurt
Richard Kidd / Å·ÃÀAV, Cambridge
Stefan Knapp / Goethe University, Frankfurt
Wolfgang Koch / Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker, Frankfurt
Angelina Kraft / Technische Informationsbibliothek, Hannover
Greg Landrum / KNIME AG, Zurich
Andrew Leach / European Bioinformatics Institute, Cambridge
Frederique Lisacek / Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, Geneva
Leah McEwen / Cornell University, Ithaca
Henry Rzepa / Imperial College London
Frank Schuhmacher / MPI of Colloids and Interfaces, Potsdam
Matthew Todd / University of Sydney
Richard Whitby / University of Southampton
John Wise / Pistoia Alliance
Roland Wohlgemuth / Sigma-Aldrich, Buchs, Switzerland
Open Access, Open Data, Open Science, Data Sharing and Big Data are examples of buzz words that are used to describe the new opportunities and demands for sharing and reusing the results of scientific research. The advantages for the scientific community in gaining unrestricted access are immense, but only if the data is standardized, comprehensively reported, validated and authenticated. In chemistry and biochemistry the consequences of funding agency mandates for depositing and sharing data are just becoming apparent.
In the laboratory, interconnected devices are allowing new paradigms to develop in the design, control and reproducibility of experiments and procedures. This will involve modifying current workflows to integrate reporting standards and make use of automation. This symposium will bring together research scientists, data scientists, publishers, funders and other interested parties to review critically their needs and concerns and discuss how they see the future developing in the context of the highly interconnected, data driven lab of the future and the new infrastructures that are being set up.
The symposium will take place in the Hotel Jagdschloss Niederwald, Rüdesheim, Germany.
The meeting will be held from 22 to 24 May 2017
with the 21st and the 24th for traveling.
In the evening of the 21st there will be a welcome reception followed by dinner.
The setting and the limited number of participants (max. 50 persons) provide a very convivial atmosphere for the ready exchange of thoughts and ideas.
The scientific program will take place over three days and will start at 9.00 a.m. on Monday, the 22nd, and end in the late afternoon on Wednesday, the 24th.
Confirmed speakers:
Ian Baxendale / Durham University
Christoph Bruch / Helmholtz Association, Potsdam
Ian Bruno / Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre
Stuart Chalk / University of North Florida, Jacksonville
Lee Cronin / University of Glasgow
Daniel Fitzpatrick / University of Cambridge
Johannes Fournier / German Research Foundation, Bonn
Jeremy Frey / University of Southampton
Nicole Jung / Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Carsten Kettner / Beilstein-Institut, Frankfurt
Richard Kidd / Å·ÃÀAV, Cambridge
Stefan Knapp / Goethe University, Frankfurt
Wolfgang Koch / Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker, Frankfurt
Angelina Kraft / Technische Informationsbibliothek, Hannover
Greg Landrum / KNIME AG, Zurich
Andrew Leach / European Bioinformatics Institute, Cambridge
Frederique Lisacek / Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, Geneva
Leah McEwen / Cornell University, Ithaca
Henry Rzepa / Imperial College London
Frank Schuhmacher / MPI of Colloids and Interfaces, Potsdam
Matthew Todd / University of Sydney
Richard Whitby / University of Southampton
John Wise / Pistoia Alliance
Roland Wohlgemuth / Sigma-Aldrich, Buchs, Switzerland