A joint one-day meeting between 天胆AV Toxicology group and the UK NanoSafety Group. This meeting is looking to provide information and examples of best practice in the successful and safe commercialisation of nanomaterial based products. Those who should attend include: safety professionals, compliance managers, plant managers, general managers and those working with nanomaterials in industry or have an interest in the safe production of nanomaterial based products and services. It is also looking to attract academics who may be seeking to go commercial with a nano based product.
Speakers include:
Eric Mayes, Endomagnetics
"Taking a nano-based medical product to the international market"
Charles Clifford, National Physical Laboratory
"Standards and their value in general and specifically for nanotechnology"
Kay Williams, Defra
"Nanomaterials planning for EU exit"
Colin Johnston, OMCS
"Value of effective testing of nano based products"
Iseult Lynch, University of Birmingham
"Comments and conclusions re whats safe and whats not past and future"
Claire Skentelbery, Nanotechnology Industries Association
Whats happening commercially in Europe
Barry Park, GBP Consulting Ltd
"Commercial applications of nanoparticles"
Pete Gooden, Promethean Particles
Commissioning a new plant to produce nanomaterials commercially
Speakers include:
Eric Mayes, Endomagnetics
"Taking a nano-based medical product to the international market"
Charles Clifford, National Physical Laboratory
"Standards and their value in general and specifically for nanotechnology"
Kay Williams, Defra
"Nanomaterials planning for EU exit"
Colin Johnston, OMCS
"Value of effective testing of nano based products"
Iseult Lynch, University of Birmingham
"Comments and conclusions re whats safe and whats not past and future"
Claire Skentelbery, Nanotechnology Industries Association
Whats happening commercially in Europe
Barry Park, GBP Consulting Ltd
"Commercial applications of nanoparticles"
Pete Gooden, Promethean Particles
Commissioning a new plant to produce nanomaterials commercially