This event on Advanced Luminescent Lanthanide-Based Materials aims at the state-of-the-art training in the form of lectures and consulting sessions designed for Ph.D. students and young researchers.
This XVIIth International Krutyn Summer School - "Breaking Through Experimental, Theoretical and Applications of Advanced Luminescent Lanthanide-Based Materials"- is organized by the Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland, and Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil. The School is conceived as a high-level and highly intensive scientific event focusing on cutting-edge know-how on inorganic and organic aspects of advanced luminescent materials based on lanthanide compounds. The Co-Chairman and Scientific Director is Professor Oscar Loureiro Malta, world-distinguished expert on lanthanide chemistry and physics, and the summer school is also to celebrate his 60th birthday as well as his outstanding contribution to the field of lanthanide R&D.
This Summer School aims at the state-of-the-art training in the form of lectures and consulting sessions designed for Ph.D. students and young researchers seeking to reinforce their knowledge and skills in the field of inorganic and organic aspects of advanced luminescent materials. Top experts in this area will deliver lectures and consulting sessions. The school is intended both for people already active in this R&D field, as well as for those new to the field. A number of social events will be also proposed to relax after the heavily-scheduled program, including: discotheque, bonfire, boats on Krutynia River, guided, or individual out-door activities (kayaking, trekking, horse-riding, bike, Nordic walking, sailing, high-class ballooning, etc.). The Local Organizing Committee cordially invites you to take part in this Summer School.
The School will be held in a picturesque and romantic summer resort the village Krutyn in Masurian Lake District, easily accessible from Warsaw by public buses, but transportation from Warsaw to Krutyn will be provided by the organizers on June 14 (for details see page 2). The Conference Complex MAZUR-SYRENKA ensures an excellent conference and accommodation services.
Theoretical background
1. Principles of luminescence mechanisms
2. Group theory aspects and selection rules
3. Nonlinear optical processes
4. Theory and modeling of nanostructured materials
Academic research and technological aspects
1. Fabrication, micro and nano-structuring of photonic materials
2. Luminescent nanoparticles and nanocomposites
3. Luminescent lanthanide materials and medical diagnostics
4. Biophotonics, microfluidics and actuators
1. Optical amplifiers and lasers
2. Imaging
3. Optical markers and sensors
4. LEDs and OLEDs
5. Scintillators
6. Industrial developments and perspectives
Prof. Cid B. de Ara炭jo, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil
Prof. John Capobianco, Concordia University, Canada
Prof. Cees Ronda, Philips, The Netherlands
Prof. Wieslaw Strek, Institute of Low Temperatures & Structural Research, PAS, Poland
Prof. Jean-Claude G. B端nzli, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne, Switzerland
Prof. Ricardo L. Longo, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil
Prof. Rute A.S. Ferreira, University of Aveiro, Portugal
Prof. Lu鱈s Dias Carlos, Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
Prof. Sidney Ribeiro, S達o Paulo State University- UNESP, Brazil
Prof. Oscar L. Malta, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil
Dr Patricia Haro Gonz叩lez, Universidad Aut坦noma de Madrid, Spain
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Kynast, University of Applied Sciences, M端nster, Germany
Prof. Dr. Markus Pollanu, School of Information and Communication Technology, Sweden
Registration only on-line
FEE: 900 PLN (225 ), Accompanying person: 2300 PLN: accommodation, full board, excursion, bonfire, transport, social events (575 ).
FEE includes: access for participation + training materials (printed abstracts, pens, certificate of participation, DVD with all lectures as PDF files, and a collection of Summer School pictures), medical services on-site, and coach transport from Warsaw to Krutyn and back.
HOTEL COST ( single room for regular participants deadline for reservation: 15th March 2015, due to the limited number (10) of single rooms), including an accommodation (six nights), full board, and social events (excursion & bonfire).
Fee: 900 PLN, or 225
Full Board and Accommodation, 6 nights
Double room in PLN: 2300
Single room in PLN: 2700
Double room in : 575
Single room in : 675
After payment deadline
Double room in PLN: 2500
Single room in PLN: 2900
Double room in : 625
Single room in : 725
This XVIIth International Krutyn Summer School - "Breaking Through Experimental, Theoretical and Applications of Advanced Luminescent Lanthanide-Based Materials"- is organized by the Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland, and Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil. The School is conceived as a high-level and highly intensive scientific event focusing on cutting-edge know-how on inorganic and organic aspects of advanced luminescent materials based on lanthanide compounds. The Co-Chairman and Scientific Director is Professor Oscar Loureiro Malta, world-distinguished expert on lanthanide chemistry and physics, and the summer school is also to celebrate his 60th birthday as well as his outstanding contribution to the field of lanthanide R&D.
This Summer School aims at the state-of-the-art training in the form of lectures and consulting sessions designed for Ph.D. students and young researchers seeking to reinforce their knowledge and skills in the field of inorganic and organic aspects of advanced luminescent materials. Top experts in this area will deliver lectures and consulting sessions. The school is intended both for people already active in this R&D field, as well as for those new to the field. A number of social events will be also proposed to relax after the heavily-scheduled program, including: discotheque, bonfire, boats on Krutynia River, guided, or individual out-door activities (kayaking, trekking, horse-riding, bike, Nordic walking, sailing, high-class ballooning, etc.). The Local Organizing Committee cordially invites you to take part in this Summer School.
The School will be held in a picturesque and romantic summer resort the village Krutyn in Masurian Lake District, easily accessible from Warsaw by public buses, but transportation from Warsaw to Krutyn will be provided by the organizers on June 14 (for details see page 2). The Conference Complex MAZUR-SYRENKA ensures an excellent conference and accommodation services.
Theoretical background
1. Principles of luminescence mechanisms
2. Group theory aspects and selection rules
3. Nonlinear optical processes
4. Theory and modeling of nanostructured materials
Academic research and technological aspects
1. Fabrication, micro and nano-structuring of photonic materials
2. Luminescent nanoparticles and nanocomposites
3. Luminescent lanthanide materials and medical diagnostics
4. Biophotonics, microfluidics and actuators
1. Optical amplifiers and lasers
2. Imaging
3. Optical markers and sensors
4. LEDs and OLEDs
5. Scintillators
6. Industrial developments and perspectives
Prof. Cid B. de Ara炭jo, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil
Prof. John Capobianco, Concordia University, Canada
Prof. Cees Ronda, Philips, The Netherlands
Prof. Wieslaw Strek, Institute of Low Temperatures & Structural Research, PAS, Poland
Prof. Jean-Claude G. B端nzli, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne, Switzerland
Prof. Ricardo L. Longo, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil
Prof. Rute A.S. Ferreira, University of Aveiro, Portugal
Prof. Lu鱈s Dias Carlos, Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
Prof. Sidney Ribeiro, S達o Paulo State University- UNESP, Brazil
Prof. Oscar L. Malta, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil
Dr Patricia Haro Gonz叩lez, Universidad Aut坦noma de Madrid, Spain
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Kynast, University of Applied Sciences, M端nster, Germany
Prof. Dr. Markus Pollanu, School of Information and Communication Technology, Sweden
Registration only on-line
FEE: 900 PLN (225 ), Accompanying person: 2300 PLN: accommodation, full board, excursion, bonfire, transport, social events (575 ).
FEE includes: access for participation + training materials (printed abstracts, pens, certificate of participation, DVD with all lectures as PDF files, and a collection of Summer School pictures), medical services on-site, and coach transport from Warsaw to Krutyn and back.
HOTEL COST ( single room for regular participants deadline for reservation: 15th March 2015, due to the limited number (10) of single rooms), including an accommodation (six nights), full board, and social events (excursion & bonfire).
Fee: 900 PLN, or 225
Full Board and Accommodation, 6 nights
Double room in PLN: 2300
Single room in PLN: 2700
Double room in : 575
Single room in : 675
After payment deadline
Double room in PLN: 2500
Single room in PLN: 2900
Double room in : 625
Single room in : 725