Borderline Between Medicines and Food

12 December 2014, London, United Kingdom

Where is the Borderline and on which side does my product fit?

Complying with Medicines Legislation and the Traditional Herbal Medicinal Products Directive

Understanding and Working with Legislation

Medicines treat, cure or prevent illness. Foods provide nutrition. But are the distinctions so clear. Foods also have a physiological effect and a role in disease risk reduction - and substances whose purpose is nutritional may be presented as medicines. An understanding of where the borderline lies between medicines and foods is essential for the successful marketing of specialist health products; getting it wrong is a costly route to market failure. However, the regulatory framework is detailed and complex, requiring a knowledge of the relevant legislation. By addressing these topics, this seminar aims to assist delegates to an understanding of how the borderline may be defined and how best to tailor the presentation of their products to the regulatory structure appropriate to them.

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Rembrandt Hotel

Rembrandt Hotel, 11 Thurlow Place, London, SW7 2RS, United Kingdom

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