Monitoring Ambient Air 2014 - Air Quality in Europe - New Challenges

9 - 10 December 2014, London, United Kingdom

In several European countries, air quality made headline news this year in a way that has not been seen for decades. While the regulation of emissions, and our understanding of the sources and mechanisms involved in air quality, move forwards, the overall situation may not, as control in some areas is counterbalanced by uncontrolled developments in others.

Following last year's successful liaison with Defra's Air Quality Expert Group, there will be overview presentations on topics currently being reviewed by that group. They concern pollution sources that are either relatively new, or that have not received the attention that they merit: shipping, biomass burning and shale gas extraction (often called "fracking"), and also an assessment of the evidence for photocatalytic paints as a means to reduce NOx concentrations. In addition, there will be an update on the EU funded CARBOTRAF project and a session focused on black carbon and other air pollution emissions from traffic. The meeting will also include a session on advances in air quality measurement; an on-going theme of this conference series.


Library, The Å·ÃÀAV, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London, W1J 0BA, United Kingdom

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The Automation and Analytical Group of the Å·ÃÀAV
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