Professor Melanie Cooper
Winner: 2020 Education Award
Michigan State University
For outstanding accomplishments in designing, implementing and evaluating evidence-based chemistry curricula and catalysing the careers of many chemistry education researchers.
Celebrate Professor Melanie Cooper
Chemistry should be engaging and enriching, interesting and relevant to students’ lives.
Professor Cooper’s work has focused on improving the chemistry education of university-level students. In the United States these courses (in general and organic chemistry) are taken by a wide range of students who intend on careers in science, health or engineering. Unfortunately, the so-called “gateway” courses often act as gate-keepers.
Professor Cooper and her team have developed curricula for general and organic chemistry courses that are based on what they know about how people learn. For example, at Michigan State University, over 4000 students take the general chemistry course in a given year. Professor Cooper and her team worked to transform the course which has resulted in over 700 students per year passing, with their research showing that these students continue to be successful as they move forward. Additionally, the materials they have developed are freely available for students, saving them over $1,000,000 per year in textbooks and materials fees.
All of this has been made possible by the research that the group and others have conducted into chemistry education research.
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