Dr Thomas Bennett
Winner: 2020 Harrison-Meldola Memorial Prize
University of Cambridge
For contributions to the non-crystalline metal–organic framework domain, including synthesis and characterization of the first liquid and glass MOF states.
Celebrate Dr Thomas Bennett
I think that the best science always arises from broader perspectives.
Metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) are porous, networked solids consisting of both inorganic and organic components. The crystalline state dominates the field, though the research of Dr Bennett and his colleagues has shown they are also liquid and glass-forming compounds – the first new family found since metallic glasses in the 1970s.
He uses advanced characterisation techniques to probe the structure of these disordered materials, and relate these atomistic arrangements to novel mechanical, porous, optical and thermoelectric properties for uses in clean energy, environmental remediation and communication technologies. In particular, Dr Bennett and his team strive to provide materials which are not only hybrid inorganic-organics in terms of their chemical properties, but also in terms of their physical properties.
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